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Journal of infection in developing countries (JIDC)

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JIDC is an independent, on-line publication with an international editorial board. JIDC is open access with no cost to view or download articles and no cost for publication of research artcles making JIDC easily availiable to scientists from resource restricted regions
Free online

CBR update

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This newsletter looks at the issue of CBR from a southern Africa perspective as well as other disability issues such as disability rights, employment, sexuality, HIV/AIDS, inclusive education etc
three times a year

SAHARA j|journal of social aspects of HIV/AIDS/Journal des aspects sociaux du VIH/SIDA

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"SAHARA is a vehicle for facilitating the sharing of research expertise and sharing knowledge, and for conducting multi-site multi-country research projects that are intervention-based with the explicit aim of generating new social science evidence for prevention, care and impact mitigation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. SAHARA brings together key partners (civil society, donors and international organisations, researchers, policy makers, and people living with HIV and AIDS to influence policy and responses through the production and dissemination of evidence-based research on the social aspects of HIV/AIDS"

Open access journal


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VAX is the bulletin on AIDS vaccine research and news intended for a broad audience, ranging from policymakers and community leaders to advocates and vaccine trial volunteers. Each issue features a collection of articles written in an easily-accessible style allowing non-technical readers to understand the latest developments in the science and policy of AIDS vaccine research

TDR news

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Contains current information about the research activities of TDR as well as news briefs about the diseases targeted by TDR - chagas disease, leprosy, lymphoma, malaria, leishmaniasis, lymphoma, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and trypanosomiasis TDR also offers an electronic mailing list called tdr-scientists which acts as a forum of the tropical diseases research community in general.
Subscription is free

British medical journal (BMJ)

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This major weekly medical journal is now available on the Internet free of charge. This site contains the full text of all articles published in the BMJ from January 1994. You can search all or selected BMJ issues for a word in the abstract or article, for a particular article or by date. Other features include, topical e-mail discussion groups, and 'customised alerts' allowing the contents pages of each issue to be e-mailed to you or even details of just those articles that interest you. Also links to the Medline database.
Free (Internet)
£318 (institutions)
£138 (individuals)

Voices from Africa

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Contains articles on grass-roots development by member NGOs in various African countries. No longer published but archive is online

Q A brief

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Shares with the international health community, the methodologies, activities, and findings of quality assurance initiatives in developing countries.
This publication is longer produced by the archive is available online

Child health dialogue|(incorporating Dialogue on diarrhoea & ARI news)

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Child Health Dialogue offers clear, practical advice on preventing and treating the main childhood illnesses. In addition to information on clinical management, the newsletter addresses issues which affect health workers' and families' abilities to care for children, such as communication skills, organisation of health centres and hospitals, health education and training. Regular features include: guidelines for diagnosis and treatment; training tips; information on rational drug use; research updates; feedback from the field. Aimed at health and community workers at district level and below, a secondary audience includes health managers, policy makers and academics.
Regional language editions are produced in collaboration with partner organisations in developing countries as follows:
(English for India) CMAI, Plot 2, A-3 Local Shopping Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058, India. E-mail: Website:
(Tamil) RUHSA, CMC, PO 632 209 North Arcot Ambedkar District, Tamil Nadu, India
(Gujarati and Hindi) CHETNA, Lilavatiben Lalbhai's Bungalow, Civil Camp Road, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad 380 004, India. E-mail:
(Bangla) CINI, PO Box 16742, Calcutta 700 027, India
(Chinese) Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 3 Yabao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China
(Spanish) AIS Bolivia, PO Box 568, La Paz, Bolivia. E-mail:
(Portuguese) Consultants at the Faculty of Medicine, Eduardo Mondlane University, CP 257, Maputo, Mozambique. E-mail:
Four times a year

Infact newsletter

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The Infant Feeding Action Coalition Canada is a non-profit, non-governmental voluntary orgnisation that promotes better infant and maternal health by protecting breastfeeding and fostering appropriate infant feeding practices in Canada and internationally
$20 Students
Free online

Newsletter of the Network for Towards Unity for Health [formerly: Newsletter of the Network for Community Partnerships for Health through Innovative Education, Service, and Research, and originally: Newsletter of the Network of Community-Oriented Educati

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Includes topics that are of interest to the organisation, which can be described as a global association of institutions for education of health professionals committed to contribute, through education, research and service, to the improvement and sustainment of health in the communities they serve
Twice a year
Free electronic
Print free for members, 10.00 USD for non-members

ICW newsletter

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In ICW News, HIV positive women around the world share their personal stories, connect across national boundaries and share information. The newsletter reports on important developments around HIV/AIDS at national and international levels.
Three times a year
Print: free to women living with HIV who are unable to afford subscription
Free online
ICW also produce an e-newsletter twice a year

Human resources for health development journal (HRDJ)|an international journal for development of human resources for health

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This open access, online journal publishes papers on all aspects of planning, producing and managing human resources for health - all those who provide health services worldwide. As such, it conveys the quantitative and qualitative products of research and analysis, and seeks to address policy issues and foster policy debate. It invites contributions from users of health services as well as from academics, policy-makers and practitioners in the health realm and from disciplines - such as the behavioural sciences, economics, law, geography and management - that impinge on health and health development
Three times a year
Free (Online)

The management link

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A free, quarterly electronic newsletter for busy health managers around the world. Each issue features current topics in a particular management area. The sources are written materials and conversations with managers and consultants who are practising in the field, including readers. A list of resources focusing on the topic covered in each issue is also provided to allow readers to learn more. All the resources on the list are available by e-mail or on the Internet. Subcribers are given an opportunity to send their comments for possible inclusion in future issues.
To subscribe to the newsletter, send an e-mail to: Leave the subject line blank and do not include a signature.
In your message text, type the appropriate command for the language you wish to receive:
English - SUBSCRIBE MANAGEMENT-LINK Firstname Lastname
French - SUBSCRIBE MANAGER-BRANCHE Firstname Lastname

