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Forced migration review [formerly: RPN]

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Provides a forum for the regular exchange of practical experience, information and ideas between researchers, refugees and internally displaced people, and those who work with them
Three times a year
Free (If possible, a donation is requested for print copies)

Global immunization news (GIN) (formerly: Immunization focus)

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Aims to update health and immunization decision-makers on the latest issues and debates in vaccine development and delivery, focusing on policy and research of interest to developing countries. The articles are largely analytic, in-depth features and status updates on topical issues

The lancet

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Contents lists, summaries of all articles and some articles in full are available free online. There is a free email alert service
Print and online: 153.00 GBP
Online: 128.00 GBP

The Weekly Epidemiological Record

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The Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) serves as an essential instrument for the rapid and accurate dissemination of epidemiological information on cases and outbreaks of diseases under the International Health Regulations and on other communicable diseases of public health importance, including emerging or re-emerging infections.

JHPIEGO trainernews

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A monthly electronic newsletter on current reproductive health training news; contraceptive briefs, announcements about reproductive health and training-related programmes and activities, and tips about Internet and CD-ROM resources of interest to reproductive health trainers. The information is targeted at professionals working in low-resource settings. To subscribe, send an email message to In the body of the message, type: subscribe jtrainernews your name. No words are necessary in the subject line of the message. Do not include your email address or signature in the body of the message. Publication seems to have ceased in 2003

Malaria journal

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Malaria Journal contains original peer-reviewed papers on all aspects of malaria, including studies of the biology and genetics of the parasites and their vectors; clinical features; case management and treatment; drug development and drug resistance; immunology and vaccine development; epidemiology and transmission dynamics; vector control; health system, policy and planning issues relating to prevention and treatment; economic, sociological and anthropological issues; poverty and gender issues, land use and global environmental change; intersectoral issues; intervention studies and operational research; control policy and planning

Revista Brasiliera de saude materno infantil

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This is a quarterly interdisciplinary journal covering medical, epidemiological and socio-cultural aspects of mother and child health. Although articles are published in Portuguese, abstracts are translated into English

Globalization and health

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Globalization and Health is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal. It encompasses all aspects of globalization and its effects on public health. Globalization in the journal will refer to economic, political, social and technological processes, which transcend the geopolitical boundaries of the nation-state and have resulted in increased interconnectedness of the world. The journal examines market liberalization, the changing role of nation-state, supra-national structures, poverty and equality, the changing distribution of communicable and non-communicable diseases and the risk factors associated with these diseases, and the growing awareness of our collective responsibility for one another. Global warming, global governance, global public goods for health, equity and justice and a host of related topics are emerging as priorities and illustrate the need for interdisciplinary thinking and debate

International journal of inclusive education

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This journal provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue on inclusive education for all educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the form and nature of schools, universities and technical colleges
10 issues a year (from 2011, previously eight)
Print: (individual only) 589.00 USD
Online Only: 1,135.00 USD
Print & Online: 1,261.00 USD
Selected articles are free to read online

Drum beat

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This regular free email newsletter summarises information included on the Communiation Intitaive's website. Issues are thematic|a gateway for capacity development

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Three times a year

The network|the national disability magazine of Papua New Guinea

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The Network is a quarterly magazine for all people involved and interested in the disability sector in Papua New Guinea. The magazine has been established as a tool to empower and inspire disabled people through positive real life stories of other disabled people. It shares information on disability issues from different levels: from grass root to government level. It inspires organisations working in the disability sector by sharing goals and achievements. And it spreads positive information about disability in Papua New Guinea to a broad community

BMC international health and human rights

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BMC International Health and Human Rights is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in health care in developing and transitional countries, and all issues relating to health and human rights. Covers a wide range of health-related topics, from a right-based perspective, including HIV and AIDS, malaria, leprosy, child health, mental illness, disease eradication, community based rehabilitation and biotechnology
Free online

International journal of transitions in childhood

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The International Journal of Transitions in Childhood is an online, international academic peer-reviewed, research journal and publishes papers that explore and advance thinking about childhood and the variety of transitions experienced by children. It also seeks a common forum for work that describes, extends and inspires sensitive approaches to the theory and practices of childhood transitions including educational policy and practice, and this should be made explicit in papers. The Journal is designed to attract a broad international readership including researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and parents and should be essential reading for those who work with young children or who want to keep up to date with recent trends in issues around the diversity of transitions experienced by children. The contents of each edition comprise mostly papers reporting current research. However, at least one article per edition will provide information about transition from a practitioner perspective
Free online

Rural Transport News

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Rural Transport News is IFRTD's regular newsletter. Each issue explores a particular theme related to rural transport from the perspective of IFRTD's members.

