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Sustainable health care financing in southern Africa : papers from an EDI health policy seminar held in Johannesburg, South Africa, June 1996

BEATTIE, Allison
et al

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This book summarizes a senior policy seminar in Johannesburg, South Africa, that examined two facets of sustainable health care financing: using available resources more effectively to extract more value for the money; and raising additional revenues for health care. Topics included orienting public health resources toward primary health care, improving control of and accountability for district financing, improving hospital efficiency, and making more effective use of donor funding

Predicting postnatal mental disorder with a screening questionnaire : a prospective cohort study from Zimbabwe

PATEL, Vikram
ACUDA, Wilson

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Post-natal mental disorders are common causes of morbidity but are rarely diagnosed or treated in busy primary care clinics in developing countries. This study aimed to determine whether a brief psychiatric screening questionnaire used in the eighth month of pregnancy could predict post-natal mental disorder. It was concluded that such a brief method of detecting women at high risk of developing a post-natal mental disorder can be used with reasonable accuracy

Bridge builders : African experiences with information and communication technology

Office of International Affairs

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This volume tells sixteen first-person accounts of how information and communication technologies (ICT) have been successfully introduced into institutions for the benefit of scientists and engineers in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors provide case studies that focus on the lessons learned in designing and implementing projects dealing with scientific and technological information (STI) and that examine the impacts these projects have had. The projects demonstrate just how much can be accomplished through leadership, dedication, and determination

Participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation : a new approach to working with communities

et al

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Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) is designed to promote hygiene behaviours, sanitation improvements and community management of water and sanitation facilities using specifically developed participatory techniques. This document describes the underlying principles of the approach, the development of the specific participatory tools, and the results of field tests in four African countries. It documents: the principles which underlie the approach; how the methodology was developed at workshops in the African region; the impact that PHAST made on communities and extension workers that were part of the field test; the lessons learned during the field test; and how the approach can be adopted more widely

Psychosocial support portal


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The Psychosocial support portal contains links to documents rpoduced by and with REPSSI. These include reports of programme acitivites; manuals, guides and toolkits; country responses to children and HIV/AIDS; training manuals; research papers; and information about training and education

AFRO barometer : a comparative series of national public attitude surveys on democracy, markets and civil society in Africa

Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA)
Center for Democracy and Development, (CDD-Ghana)
Michigan State University (MSU)

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Afrobarometer is a state-of-the-art research survey that measures the social, political and economic atmosphere in Africa. Afrobarometer surveys are conducted in more than a dozen countries. Because there are a standard set of questions, countries can be systematically compared and, ultimately, trends in public attitudes can be tracked over time. Each survey collects data about individual attitudes and behavior. Surveys have been done on democracy, governance, livelihoods, macro-economics and markets, social capital, crime, participation and national identity

The Africa campaign on disability and HIV & AIDS

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The Africa Campaign is a unifying umbrella under which disabled people's organisations, organisations of people living with HIV & AIDS, non-governmental organisations, AIDS services organisations, researchers, activists, and other citizens work collectively to achieve two main objectives: a coordinated response involving persons with disabilities in African countries to achieve inclusive national HIV & AIDS policies and programmes; and equal access for persons with disabilities in Africa to information and services on HIV & AIDS. This website contains information about the campaign and key documents

Child friendly cities initiative


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This website is a knowledge base for the global Child Friendly Cities (CFC) Initiative. It contains the CFC Database, which collects information on the role played by local governance systems in the areas of child rights, child participation and services for children; a CFC toolkit, which offers a definition of a CFC, examples of good practice and successful methods from around the world, a framework for action and key references

