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Ageing and disability in humanitarian response : a resource book of inclusive practices

QURESHI, Waqas Ashfaq
June 2011

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This report reviews the contributions of international NGOs, NGOs, Disabled People Organisations and other stakeholders in the disability and ageing sector. Their responses to mainstreaming disability and/or ageing issues in humanitarian response in Pakistan are presented, and general recommendations are provided. This report would be useful to those who work with disabled and older people in disaster situations

Disability and poverty in developing countries : a snapshot from the World Health Survey

MITRA, Sophie
POSARAC, Aleksandra
VICK, Brandon
April 2011

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This paper outlines the economic and poverty situation of working-age persons with disabilities and their households in 15 developing countries. Using data from the World Health Survey, the study presents estimates of disability prevalence, individual-level economic well-being, household-level economic well-being, and multidimensional poverty measure. Detailed appendices are provided to support the results of the study. This paper is useful for people interested in the social and economic conditions of people with disabilities in developing countries
Social Protection Discussion Paper No 1109

CBR matrix and perceived training needs of CBR workers: a multi-country study


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CBR Matrix, proposed in the CBR Guidelines, provides a systematic framework for organising and analysing CBR activities. A sample of experienced CBR workers, active at community level in 7 countries , were asked for information about different activities they actually carry out, so as to understand the applicability of CBR Matrix framework in the field. The CBR workers were also asked to identify their most pressing learning needs in different areas of CBR Matrix.

This study shows that CBR Matrix can be a useful framework to understand field-level activities in CBR projects. The study has identified a number of priority learning needs, in terms of different domains of CBR Matrix, and in terms of different disabilities. It also shows that globally, areas related to advocacy, lobbying, legal protection and rights-based approach, are the most important learning needs identified by CBR workers.

Job ability


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"This database provides various sources of information related to livelihoods opportunities for persons with disabilities in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Users can complete a registration form online to access information, guidance, support and learning opportunities, as well as search and apply for jobs. This resource is useful for people with disabilities interested in livelihoods opportunities"

Implementation completion and results report on a trust fund grant in the amount of US$5 million to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for a earthquake disability project

WORLD BANK (WB) Social Protection Sector, Human Development Unit
June 2010

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This paper reports on the implementation and the results of a earthquake disability project in Pakistan that aimed to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families in areas affected by the October 8, 2005 earthquake, by ensuring better mobility, improved physical and mental health, increased participation in social and economic life and strengthened empowerment. This study was designed to assess the key factors affecting the implementation and outcomes of this project, the outcomes, the risk to development outcome as well as the bank and borrower performance

Report No ICR00001584

Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries : a survey of health care providers

GUINDON, G Emmanuel
et al
May 2010

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This article discusses the results of a survey to examine the gaps that continue to exist between research based evidence and clinical practice. Health care providers in 10 low- and middle-income countries were surveyed about their use of research-based evidence and examined factors that may facilitate or impede such use. The conclusion is that locally conducted or published research plays an important role in changing the professional practice of health care providers surveyed in low- and middle-income countries and increased investments in local research, or at least in locally adapted publications of research-based evidence from other settings, are therefore needed. Although access to the Internet was viewed as a significant factor in whether research-based evidence led to concrete changes in practice, few respondents reported having easy access to the Internet. Therefore, efforts to improve Internet access in clinical settings need to be accelerate

Bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries a survey of researchers

et al
May 2010

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This article describes the findings from a study which examined efforts to bridge the gaps between research, policy and practice in 10 low- and middle-income countries in which researchers conducting research in one of four clinical areas relevant to the Millennium Development Goals: prevention of malaria (Ghana, Laos, Senegal and Tanzania), care of women seeking contraception (China, Kazakhstan, Laos and Mexico), care of children with diarrhoea (Ghana, India, Pakistan and Senegal) and care of patients with tuberculosis (China, India, Iran and Mexico) were surveyed

Inclusive education in Pakistan : experiences and lessons learned from the ENGAGE project

et al
March 2010

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The purpose of the American Institutes for Research (AIR) project, Engaging with Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in Development Cooperation (ENGAGE), was to increase the participation of DPOs and people with disabilities in the planning and implementation of development efforts. This brief describes the work of the ENGAGE Project in Pakistan to address the issue of increasing access and participation to quality learning environments for children with disabilities

Counting the invisible : understanding the lives of people with disabilities in Pakistan

MAILK, Rabea

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This paper discusses "the conceptual underpinnings and findings of a household survey conducted in two regions of Pakistan which attempted to address some of these gaps in existing knowledge....The findings of this survey emphasize the continued marginalization of young people with disabilities in the areas of education, employment and marriage prospects. Additionally, reflections on the research process highlight the many challenges entailed in undertaking research on disability issues"
RECOUP Working Paper No 23

Design manual and guidelines for accessibility : for creation of barrier free environments to make buildings and facilities accessible to people with disabilities


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This manual provides guidelines for making and creating accessible environments, featuring accessibility guidelines to public places and areas for persons with disabilities. These guidelines are to be applied during the design, construction and modification of buildings and facilities to the extent as required by the law or to exceed the minimum requirements for provision of facility. It contains design guidelines, dimensional standards and specifications for constructing new as well as existing buildings, facilities, spaces and areas accessible to people with disabilities within the provisions of The Accessibility Code of Pakistan

Going to scale with community-led total sanitation : reflections on experience, issues and ways forward


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Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is a revolutionary approach in which communities are facilitated to conduct their own appraisal and analysis of open defecation and take their own action to become open defecation-free. This report presents CLTS approaches in six countries which differ organisationally with contrasting combinations of NGOs, projects and governments. Practical elements in strategies for going to scale have included: training and facilitating; starting in favourable conditions; conducting campaigns and encouraging competition; recruiting and committing teams and full-time facilitators and trainers; organising workshops and cross-visits; supporting and sponsoring Natural Leaders and community consultants and inspiring and empowering children


Practice Paper, Vol 2009, No 1

Building the knowledge base on the social determinants of health : review of seven countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

WATTS, Susan

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"The WHO Global Commission on Social Determinants of Health was launched in 2005 with the aim of identifying and tackling the persistent and growing inequalities in health, both within and between countries. These inequalities are caused by what we now term social determinants, defined as the way people live, work and age in a society. In the Eastern Mediterranean Region the knowledge base on social determinants and how these influence health is sparse. "This publication reviews the social determinants of health in seven countries of the Region and represents a first step towards building a knowledge base that can inform policy and strategies related to social determinants and the health inequities arising from them. The publication also discusses some of the strategies that could be adopted to forward the agenda on social determinants of health and health equity in individual countries"

Missing the target #5 : improving AIDS drug access and advancing health care for all

December 2007

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This report documents how the mobilisation around AIDS is driving health systems advancement in China, Dominican Republic, Zimbabwe, Russia, Kenya, India, Cameroon, Zambia and Cambodia, and it highlights the need for improvements in broader systems of care and services to meet the needs of people living with HIV & AIDS and the communities in which they live. It also considers ARV procurement, registration and stock-outs in Argentina, Belize, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, India, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Russia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Humanitarian reform : fulfilling its promise?

December 2007

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This is a special issue of the Forced Migration Review. It includes articles relating to Iraq, Darfur, Colombia, Bulgaria, Bhutanese refugees, accountability protection, profiling internally displaced populations, and the role of the private sector

Conceptualizing disability and education in the South : challenges for research

December 2007

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This discussion paper introduces the challenges for designing research methodology for the Disability, Education and Poverty project. The paper explores the relationships between poverty and disability, highlighting disability is a cause and consequence of poverty, and discusses three central challenges for conceptualising the research project
RECOUP Working Paper 10

Shadow report : Review of country coordinating mechanism proposals with SRH-HIV/AIDS integration submitted to the Global Fund round 7

DALY, M. Felicity
August 2007

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This report considers efforts to integrate sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the HIV & AIDS components of country coordinated proposals submitted in July 2007 by Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) for the 7th Round of funding by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).

Teacher absence as a factor in gender inequalities in access to primary schooling in rural Pakistan

GHUMAN, Sharon
LLOYD, Cynthia B.
June 2007

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Public-sector education in many countries in western and southern Asia, including Pakistan, is characterised by separate schools for boys and girls at the primary and secondary levels. In Pakistan, primary school enrolment among girls in rural areas is substantially lower than among children in urban areas and boys in rural areas, owing to lack of access to government girls’ schools. The focus of this report is on teacher absence as a further barrier to schooling for girls. Absence rates among the all-female teachers in government girls’ schools are substantially higher than among the all-male teachers in government boys’ schools. Whether they teach in government or private schools, women who live in the same community as the school are substantially less likely to be absent. In government girls’ schools, better basic amenities are also related to lower teacher absence. Both findings suggest the importance of recent government investments in schools and the higher inter-village travel costs faced by women relative to men

Adolescence in Pakistan : sex, marriage and reproductive health. The findings of research carried out into awareness of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Pakistan

February 2006

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Report of research into awareness of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Pakistan. The results of the research show that respondents had little SRH information to help them through the changes of adolescence, and cultural barriers exacerbate the problem. Girls were more likely to experience social restrictions and their options were limited, reflecting traditional cultural values. As a result of their participation in the research, however, many agreed that more information about menstruation could be beneficial to them

