This report outlines 30 years of supported employment provision within New Zealand's Government sector, to people significantly disadvantaged by disability issues
This paper describes how national legislation in selected countries has managed to incorporate the concept of reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities. It utilises case studies from the following selected countries: Australia, Canada, European Union, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States and Zimbabwe
This paper provides "the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific region with information and insights necessary for improving a focus on disability in its activities. There are two major parts to this paper. The first part reviews disability related issues in the region by describing (1) the prevalence of disability and related issues; (2) major issues and challenges confronting persons with disabilities; and (3) good practices, innovative approaches, and effective organizations in the region working to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The second part reviews the Bank’s regional level activities through examining project portfolios and AAA products, as well as through interviews with Sector managers and staff members. Based on this review, the paper recommends ways to include disability issues at the regional and sector levels"
This study investigates a range of small arms-related issues in 20 nations of the southern Pacific. It also examines the status of existing firearm legislation and the degree of legal stockpiles and illicit trade, and the socio-economic impacts of armed conflict on Pacific communities. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in conflict situations, socio-economic impacts and development
This paper presents the findings of a New Zealand study that explores the transition experiences of a range of children, their families, and their early childhood and primary school teachers, through interviews and detailed observations in early childhood centres and new entrant classrooms. The participants include seven case study children and their families who were visited a number of times from when the children were four-years-old until they turned eight. The paper examines the multiple perspectives on transition issues and highlights both the diversity in views and experiences, and some common themes and issues. Exploring the nature of the transition from early childhood to school leads us into broader debates about continuity, learning and the nature education in early childhood and at school. The paper considers the implications of the research for practice at both the early childhood and beginning school level
This website is a knowledge base for the global Child Friendly Cities (CFC) Initiative. It contains the CFC Database, which collects information on the role played by local governance systems in the areas of child rights, child participation and services for children; a CFC toolkit, which offers a definition of a CFC, examples of good practice and successful methods from around the world, a framework for action and key references