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The impact of corruption on the rights of persons with disabilities

September 2023

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Corruption and discrimination go hand in hand. In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published a report highlighting how corruption and discrimination reinforce each other, leaving marginalized groups with little room to access public services, exercise their human rights, and live their lives with dignity. In this seminar organized by Norad, CMI/U4 and the Atlas Alliance collectively, researchers and DPO representatives discuss research findings and the situation as lived experience for persons with disabilities.

Leaving No One Behind: A Nordic movement for change

Kroglund, Andrew
January 2019

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This report assesses the policies of the Nordic country governments on international disability issues following the Global Disability Summit in London, July 2018. The SDGs requirement for new focus on inclusion is highlighted and the report aims to strengthen the cooperation between civil society organisations and government in order to fulfill the ambitious 2030 agenda

Towards a disability inclusive education.

BABOO Nafisa
HOWGEGO Catherine
RI Trine Cecilie
et al
January 2016

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Background paper for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development July 7th, 2015. This paper covers the four topics of the Oslo Summit: investment in education, quality of learning, education in emergencies and girls’ education. The inclusion of children with disabilities is a moral issue as well as an economic and social issue: the costs of exclusion are significant for both for the individual and for society. Disability inclusion should be mainstreamed in all policies and plans. Accessibility standards should be implemented and supported by international development cooperation. Currently, 1/3 of the 58 million out of school children are children with disabilities. Planning and budgeting by national governments and development partners needs to include children with disabilities. There is an immediate need for inclusive reporting and monitoring, for applying disability specific education indicators as well as a need for systematic collection of disaggregated data on disability, age and gender. Keys to achieving quality disability inclusive education include: requiring minimum standards of accessibility for all schools, including in emergency settings; investment in teacher training; ensuring that learning materials/resources are available in accessible formats and are easily adaptable; investment in assistive technology and devices; ensuring participation of Disabled People’s Organisations in education planning and monitoring.

Inclusive education : where there are few resources

September 2008

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This comprehensive overview of inclusive education in resource-poor settings looks at the basis for and origins of inclusive education. The book explains the concept of inclusive education in depth, suggests how it can be implemented, and looks at specific case studies and contexts. This resource is useful for professionals and organisations interested in inclusive education in developing countries

Young voices : young people’s views of inclusive education

LEWIS, Ingrid
September 2008

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This booklet provides young people's perspectives of inclusive education based upon the findings of Young Voices, an inclusive education project in primary, secondary and vocational schools in Uganda and Tanzania. Students with and without disabilities participated in the Young Voices activities. The booklet highlights the issues raised about inclusive education policy, attitudes, behaviour, resource allocation and environmental issues. It contains students’ photos, drawings and quotations to illustrate their responses. It is useful for people interested in inclusive education issues in Eastern Africa

Inclusion in action

LEWIS, Ingrid
March 2007

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This report aims to share learning from different experiences of inclusive education within a developing country context and review participatory, active learning approaches. It includes contributions from governmental officers in southern Africa as well as civil society members, project managers and disabled people. This well organised work, which is also available in Braille, concludes by addressing potential solutions and recommendations for further research. This resource would be useful to anyone with an interest in inclusive education and disability and development

Young voices : young people’s views of inclusive education

LEWIS, Ingrid

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This short film and accompanying booklet students with and without disabilities who have participated in the Young Voices activities, provide their personal perspectives of inclusive education. The schools were partners in inclusive education projects with the Atlas Alliance
This resource would be useful for people interested in inclusive education issues in Eastern Africa

Microcredit for self-employed disabled persons in developing countries

October 2005

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This paper aims to close the gap in knowledge and culture between the disability and the micro finance communities. Resource-based theory is applied to analyse when microcredit for disabled persons is an appropriate tool and when it is not. General recommendations are provided for the inclusion of disabled entrepreneurs, as well as lists of recommendations that are both easy to understand and to apply for micro fiance institutions, disabled people's organisations and donors. This paper is useful for academics, professionals and organisations interested in micro finance for people with disabilities in developing countries

External evaluation of the community based rehabilitation program (CBR) in Jarash Camp, Amman, Jordan

YASSIR, Samar Al
November 2004

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This in an evaluation of a CBR project started in 1988 in a refugee camp. The general objective of the project is "to reach the biggest number of disabled persons in need of rehabilitation, and that an increased number of disabled persons live independently and are integrated in the society." Strategies include developing capabilities of disabled persons through the services offered by the Community Rehabilitation Centre, mobilization of local resources and awareness raising and advocacy.The evaluators found that the project urgently needs to include PWDs in the running of the project and to adopt a long-term strategy developing PWDs integration and economic autonomy. It also recommends a need for organizational change, improved monitoring and evaluation, staff motivation, and management and planning

Disability in conflicts and emergencies


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This factsheet presents a general overview of disability in conflict and emergencies. Case studies are highlighted to emphasise that disabled people are often the most at risk in emergency situations, that disasters and crises lead to disability, and the importance of good planning and accessiblility. This resource is useful to people interested in disability, conflict and emergencies

Oslo conference on disability and conflicts in emergency


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This resource presents information about an international conference on disability in conflicts and emergencies which focused upon meeting the needs of vulnerable and disabled people in humanitarian situations. It features a summary from the chair of the conference, participant interviews, and conference presentations. This website would be useful to those who work with disabled and vulnerable people in conflict and disasters situations
"Reaching the most Vulnerable" Conference
Oslo, Sweden
30-31 May 2011
