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Legal remedies through litigation for the rights of disabled people

November 2020

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Even though most countries have ratified the CRPD, the rights of disabled people get violated daily all over the world. In almost every country there are national laws and international agreements which should assure the same rights for disabled people. The main problem is that the laws are widely unenforced, that is why remedies are needed. There is a need for deeper discussions on tools for strategic litigation, including effectiveness of legal and injunctive remedies, different forms of compensation for violations of human rights and procedural strategies for impact, as important tools to fight against violations of disability rights. Thereby, every law system and country has different ways and possibilities to redress violations. In this webinar we want to look at the need for better remedies, access to justice and strategic litigation. We learn from the experience of international experts with strategic litigation and remedies and discuss what kind of changes we would like to see in the remedies available or what kind of new remedies are needed. How can we establish an exchange of international experience and cooperation between organizations in the work towards better remedies?


The following speakers shared their expertise:

Paul Lappalainen, Swedish/US lawyer, European Equality Law Network: Access to justice / Access to remedies
Mari Siilsalu, lawyer at Article 19 as a tool, Independent Living Institute: Survey on legal remedies
Ann Campbell, Co Executive Director at Validity Foundation: Looking beyond compensation: innovative remedies for women with disabilities
Stellan Gärde, Swedish lawyer and author: A human right - The right to legal aid
Timothy Hodgson, legal advisor at ICJ, lecturer at University of Pretoria: Economic and social rights litigation


The webinar was moderated by Ola Linder, Swedish lawyer and project leader of Article 19 as a tool. 

DRD Webinar on Legal Clinics as a tool to promote disability rights

Disability Rights Defenders
May 2020

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Disability Rights Defenders (a project of the Independent Living Institute, Sweden) and the European Network on Independent Living held a webinar focused on legal clinics - a tool to promote disability rights.

About the webinar: Can legal clinics focussed on human rights and disability rights be a tool to promote disability rights and support a social change in society? How do legal clinics work and cooperate with clients, universities and civil society organisations? In our webinar we want to spread knowledge and information on legal clinics and share experience from Europe, the US and Latin America.


Introduction to Disabled Refugees Welcome project

January 2018

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Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW) is a 3-year project run by Independent Living Institute (ILI) and it's main goal is to develop methods that will improve the conditions for the reception of disabled newcomers in Sweden. 


Project worker Julius Ntobuah shares his experiences as an asylum seeker with disability in Sweden and his commitment for better reception of newcomers with functional disabilities.

Disability and deafness in East Asia : social and educational responses from antiquity to recent times. A bibliography of European-language materials with introduction and some annotation

August 2007

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This extensive bibliography includes over 900 articles, chapters and books relating to the social and educational responses to disability, deafness and mental health issues in China, Korea and Japan from antiquity to present day. It would be useful for anyone interested in disability studies, research and disability and development

Disability and deafness, in the context of religion, spirituality, belief and morality, in Middle Eastern, south Asian and east Asian histories and cultures : annotated bibliography

July 2007

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This bibliography introduces and lists 450 resources, across the beliefs, religions and cultures of the Middle East and much of Asia, from antiquity to the present. More specifically, it annotates modern and historical materials in translation, that are relevant to disability, mental health issues and deafness.It would be useful for anyone interested in religion and culture as they relate to disability in society

4th all Africa wheelchair congress report|Theme : advancing appropriate wheelchair services for Africa

The Tanzanian Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists (TATCOT)

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This report summarises the findings of the 4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress the theme of which was to assess how to advance appropriate wheelchair services across the African continent. This report explores a range of key topics including: impact of wheelchairs on quality of life; partnership for appropriate wheelchair services (from a global and African perspective); wheelchair technology training; wheelchair services and poverty reduction strategy; conventions and guidelines; and capacity building
4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress Report
Uhuru Hotel, Moshi
17-21 September 2007

Social responses to disability & poverty in economically weaker countries : research, trends, critique, and lessons usually not learnt. Annotated bibliography of modern and historical material

March 2006

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In this bibliographic resource the author introduces 250 articles and books showing social responses to disability and poverty in developing countries. The modern materials are global in their scope and the historical materials were from east and south Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. This work would be useful for anyone with an interest in disability and poverty alleviation

Model national personal assistance policy


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Social policy is often characterised by legislation and administration hindering people who depend on it to benefit from it. This paper suggests we recognise the right of disabled people to have the power of decision. The concept of direct payments can help to provide better quality services which are person-centred and which help to eliminate monopolies in the field of social work

A study of the political behavior of people with disabilities|What determines voter turnout, executive summary : empowerment through civic participation

et al
April 1999

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This study examines if people with disabilities are as likely as those without disabilities to vote and to engage in other forms of political and civic participation. It also explores if there is a role for policies to remove barriers or otherwise encourage greater participation of people with disabilities

Resource kit for independent living : tools for power


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Produced for the Disabled Peoples' International Independent Living Committee, this document is intended to empower disabled individuals and organisations of disabled persons by providing them with easily accessible information on Independent Living philosophy and approach, model projects, and sources of technical assistance in organising grass-roots initiatives. It also serves as a handbook for professionals working in such areas as community planning, social policy and services, rehabilitation, and vocational training. Finally it wants to aid NGO's in their disability work and to inform potential sponsors about the innovative approach that Independent Living entails for the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities

Independent Living Institute Virtual Library


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A virtual library containing references and access to full text documents from around the world on independent living and related themes: for example women with disabilities, international access solutions and disability and development. Materials cited include reports, resource kits, training manuals, conference papers and journal articles. The database can be searched by author, by selecting a topic from a list of categories such as international development, human rights or UN documents, or by performing a free search. Search results are ranked to indicate best match to search query. There is also a database of organisations and companies working in the disability field
