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Delivering antiretroviral therapy in resource-constrained settings : lessons from Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda

July 2005

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This publication is aimed at governments, development partners, and public and private health facilities seeking to provide ART as part of comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV and AIDS. It describes valuable lessons learned from several ART learning sites throughout Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda. By the end of April 2005, more than 5,800 new patients had initiated ART through this treatment and care initiative. Strategies, challenges and key recommendations are presented and comments by national and community leaders, providers and patients appear throughout the text to give readers a sense of the programs as they progressed. The lessons may not have direct relevance to all health facilities providing or planning to provide ART; it should be used or adapted depending on the epidemiological, political, social, cultural and economic context of each setting

Conducting a participatory situation analysis of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS : guidelines and tools | A framework and resource guide

April 2005

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This framework and resource guide is intended to help people involved in programs assisting orphans and vulnerable children conduct a situation analysis. It serves as a tool for collecting and synthesising in-country and sub-national information. Examples of situation analyses and related research are provided throughout the document to draw upon the variety of approaches, and their components, that communities and institutions have undertaken to assess their particular situation

HIV counseling and testing for youth : a manual for providers

FISCHER, Suzanne
et al

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This is a manual for service providers and counsellors enabling them to improve their skills and assist youth with the difficult issue of HIV counselling and testing. The manual provides: step-by-step information for using the traditional voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) model with youth; step-by-step information for using a counselling and testing model for youth in clinical settings; resources to help meet the broader sexual needs of youth, including information on contraceptive options and other sexually transmitted infections; information on how to counsel youth and use youth-friendly service approaches; tips and role-plays to use with young people on abstinence, being faithful, and using condoms; guides for creating a referral network

Impact of sex and HIV education programs on sexual behaviors of youth in developing and developed countries

KIRBY, Douglas

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This paper discusses findings from a review of 83 evaluations of sex and HIV education programmes. The analysis found substantial positive impact on sexual behaviours in more than two-thirds of the evaluations and identified 17 characteristics of the most effective curricula used in the programmes evaluated. More information on this review is available, including links to data sheets on each of the 83 evaluations. [Publisher's abstract, amended]

Formative research on youth peer education program productivity and sustainability

BURKE, Holly

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This paper discusses the first phase of a two-part study, which identified core elements of programmes through an examination of programme dynamics, activities, costs, and outputs in two countries. Based on this data, the first phase developed frameworks and eight checklists to use in assessing youth peer education effectiveness and sustainability

HIV/AIDS care and treatment : a clinical course for people caring for people living with HIV/AIDS [participant manual]


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The "HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Participant Guide" presents new knowledge and skills for delivering and organising clinical care and treatment services for people living with HIV/AIDS. The course is divided into 7 modules covering HIV prevention and care issues; managing patients with HIV related diseases; managing women and children with HIV; antiretroviral therapy; supporting people with HIV/AIDS; managing patients on antiretroviral treatment; and TB, women, children and post-exposure prophylaxis. A facilitator's guide accompanies this manual

HIV/AIDS care and treatment : a clinical course for people caring for people living with HIV/AIDS [facilitator's guide]


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The "HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Participant Guide" presents new knowledge and skills for delivering and organising clinical care and treatment services for people living with HIV/AIDS. The course is divided into 7 modules covering HIV prevention and care issues; managing poatients with HIV related diseases; managing women and children with HIV; antiretroviral therapy; supporting people with HIV/AIDS; managing patients on antiretroviral treatment; and TB, women, children and post-exposure prophylaxis. A participant manual accompanies this manual

HIV/AIDS and the public sector workforce : an action guide for managers

RAU, Bill

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The guide is designed for human resource managers, employee welfare managers, medical officers and labor representatives in government ministries and agencies. It will assist in designing and developing prevention, care, and support programmes, and in mitigating the effect of staff losses due to AIDS in the public workplace. It includes information on the effects of HIV on the public sector, the components of prevention, care and support programmes and policies in the public sector, methods to gain the support of senior management and employees for HIV/AIDS workplace programmes and policies, background information on the disease, and country experiences

Voices from the communities : the impact of HIV/AIDS on the lives of orphaned children and their guardians

July 2003

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Voices from the Communities is a follow-up qualitative study by Family Health International (FHI) and Strengthening Community Partnerships for the Empowerment of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (SCOPE-OVC) to a 2001 quantitative survey. The quantitative study sought to determine the psychosocial and emotional needs of orphans and vulnerable children in sixteen communities in four districts of Zambia: Livingstone, Lusaka, Mongu and Kitwe. Voices extends the original research by ascertaining the psychosocial and emotional needs of OVC in greater detail. In Voices, 10 focus group discussions were held during 2002 in two townships; Itimpi in Kitwe and Chawama in Lusaka. The study sample of one hundred and eighty one discussants consisted of orphaned children, child heads of household and adult heads of household

HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support across faith-based communities : an annotated bibliography of resources


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This annotated bibliography lists, describes and reviews resources that have proven useful to faith-based organisations (FBOs) addressing the HIV crisis in Africa. The information should help each reader identify the right materials to meet his or her community's needs and then to obtain those materials from the appropriate organisation.

Findings of the orphans and vulnerable children psychosocial survey

et al
January 2003

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The overall goal for the survey was to gather baseline data to facilitate an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Strengthening Community Participation for the Empowerment of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (SCOPE - OVC) project in particular areas of Zambia. Specific study objectives were to: gather information that will describe the impact of HIV/AIDS on children as well as measure the impact that programmes are having on the quality of life of the children; provide information that will be useful in the ongoing development of programmes designed to strengthen the care and support to orphans and vulnerable children, specifically in relation to their psycho-social needs; provide a framework that will show the progression of the SCOPE - OVC project towards its program goals and objectives; and document lessons learned in conducting OVC work as well as in documenting the use of a participatory evaluation process

Youth infonet

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Youth InfoNet is a one-stop electronic source for new publications and information on youth reproductive health and HIV prevention, presented in two parts: Programme Resources. Summaries of tools, curricula, programme reports, unpublished research findings, and other items that may be useful for youth programming. Most items are available online and links to those are included with the summaries; Research Articles. Summaries of peer-reviewed research papers published in the last month on developing country research
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