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Our Future : teaching sexuality and life-skills|A guide for teachers using our future pupils' books

January 2008

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The guide is intended to support anyone who wants to use the ‘Our future: sexuality and life-skills education’ books for primary schools, Grades 4-5, 6-7 and 8-9, to facilitate sexuality and life-skills lessons with learners in or out of the classroom. It contains information and activities to encourage users to try out ideas in the classroom and feel confident to plan and facilitate sexuality and lifeskills lessons

Tools together now : 100 participatory tools to mobilise communities for HIV/AIDS

May 2006

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This publication provides a comprehensive selection of participatory learning and action tools and interactive exercises to enable communities, organisations and groups to work together and effectively in the design, implementation and evaluation of HIV and AIDS programmes. It was specifically designed to use alongside "All Together Now! Community Mobilisation for HIV/AIDS". The what, why and how of each tool is clearly described, and comments and suggestions for facilitators are also included. Each activity is accompanied by a chart, diagram or illustration that can be replicated or adapted in workshops and group activities. Tools are arranged in sections, including mapping tools, time analysis tools, linkages and relationship tools, experiential tools, prioritisation and quantification tools, action planning tools and PLA training tools. Examples of tools presented include: body mapping, community mapping, story with a gap, negotiation card game, picture story, chapati diagram, impact matrix and trust game

Orphans and other vulnerable children support toolkit

December 2005

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This is a collection of information, tools and guidance on supporting orphans and other vulnerable children living in a world with HIV/AIDS. It covers a wide range of subject areas, including running a programme, health and nutrition, education, psychosocial support, economic strengthening, living environments and children's rights. It contains a wide range of useful resources on the different topic areas. It also contains a section on early childhood development

CBO/FBO capacity analysis : a tool for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS

November 2005

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This publication was developed by the CORE Initiative to enable community and faith based organisations to analyse levels of capacity in different areas of organisational and technical work. It is based on an existing toolkit for NGOs developed by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the NGO Capacity Analysis Toolkit) and on a design developed by Geoff Foster, of Family AIDS Caring Trust in Zimbabwe. This tool can be used with community organisations to identify capacity-building needs, plan any technical support needed by the organisation and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity-building support

Publications and resources

July 2004

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This CD-Rom contains over 150 publications by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. These resources include lessons learned reports and studies, technical support publications, policy reports and briefing papers. The themes covered include general Alliance publications; care and treatment; civil society development; orphans and vulnerable children; prevention; and Alliance Ukraine publications. The publications are available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian

Living proof : community action on AIDS

LAWSON, Lesley
MENDEL, Gideon
July 2004

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This publication, produced to celebrate the Alliance's 10th anniversary, tells the stories of people in Zambia, India, Ecuador, Ukraine and Burkina Faso carrying out extraordinary work to contain the HIV epidemic, often overcoming stigma and organising themselves to find strength in numbers. It highlights the importance of strengthening community responses. The stories are relatively brief and are illustrated with many full-colour photos by Gideon Mendel

NGO capacity analysis : a toolkit for assessing and building capacities for high quality responses to HIV/AIDS

International HIV/AIDS Alliance
July 2004

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This toolkit can be used to identify the capacity building needs of NGOs, plan technical support interventions and monitor and evaluate the impact of capacity building. The toolkit is aimed at people and organisations that support NGOs and CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Including NGO support programmes, training institutions and individual trainers

Moving forward : a report on pioneering responses to children affected by HIV/AIDS in Andhra Pradesh, India

March 2004

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Since 2000, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its country office in India has worked in three states in India to establish and support three Lead Partners, including Vasavya Mahila Mandali (VMM), and 37 implementing NGOs to carry out a pioneering programme of home and community-based care and support for children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families. In this report, VMM draws on its work to identify gaps in existing services and propose effective initiatives, policies and examples of good practice for dealing with the issues that children face when they are affected by HIV/AIDS

A parrot on your shoulder : a guide for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children


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This fully illustrated activity guide aims to meet the needs of people who want more meaningful engagement with children by providing activities that will help them get started. The guide provides advice on children's participation, as well as 30 detailed examples for activities aimed at engaging children actively in discussions. The guide includes activities for ice breakers and energisers, group work and co-operation, observation, active listening and analytical skills, drama, mime and role play, painting and drawing

A parrot on your shoulder : a guide for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children


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This book is designed to help people who work with children initiate meaningful dialogue and engage them in a cheerful and positive manner. It considers issues around encouraging children’s participation, why it is important, and what to include when planning children’s participation. It discusses issues of safety in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and why, how and when to use games. It contains activities and ideas on how to include children in participatory processes

Working with men, reponding to AIDS : gender sexuality and HIV. A case study collection

November 2003

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This case study collection aims to help projects working with men in order to have an impact on the HIV epidemic. It presents experiences and lessons from a range of different projects that involve men, gender identity, sexuality or related issues, offering inspiration, ideas and models for working with different kinds of men in a deliberately broad range of contexts

Developing HIV/AIDS work with drug users : a guide to participatory assessment and response

August 2003

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This publication describes the steps to designing and carrying out a participatory assessment of the drug-related HIV/AIDS epidemic and other drug-related harms, drawing on regional workshops and experiences of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and its partners in Asia and the Ukraine. It uses a participatory assessment and response approach, which builds on the work of the Alliance in adapting participatory rural appraisal methods for HIV/AIDS work. The ten steps include setting up an advisory group, making contact and building trust, and analysing information [Publisher's abstract]

Building blocks : Africa-wide briefing notes. Resources for communities working with orphans and vulnerable children

January 2003

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A set of eight booklets designed to support programme design and practice at the community level around children made vulnerable or orphaned by HIV or AIDS in Africa. The resources are all locally adaptable and are based on the experience of Alliance, its partners and other organisations. The booklets are called "Overview"; "Psychosocial support"; "Health and nutrition"; "Economic strengthening"; "Education"; "Social inclusion"; "Older Carers"; and "Young children and HIV"

Advocacy in action : a toolkit to support NGOs and CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS


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A comprehensive toolkit designed for people and organisations that support NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Introduces the concept of advocacy ('influencing people and organisations in power to create an environment which protects the rights, health and welfare of everyone'); provides a step-by-step guide to planning and implementing advocacy work; and provides information and skills-building activities. Includes 'A facilitator's guide to participatory workshops' and '100 ways to energise groups : games to use in workshops, meetings and the community'. All materials are on the CD-ROM, which is included in the pack, and on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance website

Expanding community-based support for orphans and vulnerable children


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Report based on a workshop on the proliferation, and expansion, in terms of impact and coverage, of orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) initiatives in east and southern Africa. Three levels critical to successful scale-up of activities were identified: community, facilitation, and policy/resource. The respective roles of community groups and CBOs, intermediary NGOs, government, international NGOs and donors are explored. Special consideration is given to the role of intermediary NGOs: those which provide technical and/or financial support to other NGOs/CBOs. Brief case studies are drawn on as examples

Linking HIV and TB : underlying issues to consider when scaling up integration of HIV and TB services in Cambodia

December 2001

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This is a brief report of a study on the underlying issues related to linking HIV and TB services that affect scale up of prevention, care and support programmes in Cambodia. The study revealed that there are significant opportunities to enhance collaboration and improve services. An integrated approach to prevention and care provision for HIV and TB would have a considerable positive impact on TB services and programmes, currently under-funded

