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Local development in West Africa : how to make it inclusive for all?

et al
January 2013

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“With the push towards decentralization, local governments are gradually emerging as development agents. Overarching development policies are shaped at a national level while public policies are devised and implemented at the local level by local authorities. This film showcases local stakeholders’ contribution to development. It aims to answer the question posed by many local government representatives: ‘How to make local development policies inclusive for all?’ ‘Making it INCLUSIVE’ means not only enabling the citizens to partake in consultation and decision-making processes, but also offering them equal access to services. Within this framework the most vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, are treated on a par with others”

Community volunteers : an asset for detecting and following up children with disabilities

December 2012

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This video presents a  recording of a seminar held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in November 2012.  The seminar explores the findings and recommendations from a four year CBM-funded project in Bangladesh and Pakistan to identify children with disabilities and connect them with appropriate rehabilitative services

A feeling of belonging : an example of a community mental health project in Rwanda

FINEL, Elodie
PEGON, Guillaume
November 2012

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This video documentary and accompanying booklet present Handicap International’s approaches taken since January 2007 to restore the Rwandan population’s psychological well-being and its social cohesion after the genocide. Knowledge about setting up and implementing a community mental health project is shared for the information of Handicap International team members, partners and the public. General guidelines are offered to share expertise and technical perspectives in the field of mental health and psychological support

Keeping the promise : interventions by persons with disabilities against HIV/AIDS


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People with disabilities, including people with disabilities who are living with HIV, are often excluded from their community and their family. This video presents testimonies of people with disabilities who are living with HIV and proposes actions in Kenya to fight against their exclusion. For example, it highlights support groups that have been created to educate people with disabilities, living with HIV or not, on sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and how to live positively with disabilities and reduce the stress caused by them. Another section of the video presents a support group for parents of children with disabilities where it is encouraged to talk about sexual abuse and violence on children and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Support groups for hearing and visually impaired people are also presented in the video. In addition to support groups, education and prevention are also promoted by through sport and street shows which contribute to the social inclusion of people with disabilities living with HIV

Young voices : young people’s views of inclusive education

LEWIS, Ingrid

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This short film and accompanying booklet students with and without disabilities who have participated in the Young Voices activities, provide their personal perspectives of inclusive education. The schools were partners in inclusive education projects with the Atlas Alliance
This resource would be useful for people interested in inclusive education issues in Eastern Africa

Loud, proud and passionate!


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"This video documents MIUSA's Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability. Interviews with participants highlight the vision, determination, challenges and recommendations of women with disabilities who are grassroots leaders in over 25 countries. MIUSA's unique model of international leadership training is illustrated as women with mobility, visual and hearing disabilities are shown in unique training workshops and team-building activities, from project development to an outdoor ropes challenge course"
Note: free viewing online of the shorter version, $19.95 for 22mins DVD available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian or French

Accessible digital textbooks for all


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UNICEF and its partners are driving an innovative solution called Accessible Digital Textbooks for All, to make textbooks available, affordable and accessible for children with disabilities in all contexts. By adding specific features to digital formats and following Universal Design for Learning principles, textbooks can be made accessible to students who are blind or have low vision, to those who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to those who have intellectual, developmental or learning disabilities, among others. The initiative brings writers, publishers, teachers, organizations of persons with disabilities, technologists and ministry of education representatives together to develop the guidelines needed to produce textbooks in accessible digital formats. They jointly set standards for features like narration, sign language, interactivity and the audio description of images.


UNICEF is currently piloting the Accessible Digital Textbooks for All Initiative in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Uruguay throughout 2019, 2020 and into 2021. The goal of the pilots is to test and validate the process of creating quality accessible digital textbooks with the ministries of education and different stakeholders using curriculum-based content, and to measure the learning outcomes for children with and without disabilities using them.


United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

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This website provides news and updates about the COVID-19 pandemic from United Nations partners and international humanitarians. Emergency funding, coordination, and ensuring safe and effective humanitarian operations are highlighted. An infographic shows  the COVID-19 pandemic in locations with a Humanitarian Response.

