Review of early childhood development policy and programs in Sub-Saharan Africa


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The report complements the paper "The Condition of Young Children in Sub-Saharan Africa" (report no. WTP326). This report reviews current programs and policies across a set of country experiences, and focuses on efforts which address intersecting health, nutrition, and early education needs of children aged zero to six in their institutional and socio-cultural environments. Eleven approaches to early childhood development were selected for study. The report analyzes in each case the contextual impetus from which program and policy choices were made. The analysis begins with program and policy features which directly affect children and their families, then works outward to levels of community, regional, national and international support. Concluding chapters highlight gaps in experience to date and summarize challenges which lie ahead for creating integrated supports to health, nutrition, and early education in a manner that is consistent with the strengths of tradition and culture in Sub-Saharan Africa.

World Bank Technical Paper No 367

Regional Focus 


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