Publication Date
May 2013
20 p, ill.
Part 6.3 of the ILO's "The Informal Economy and Decent Work: A Policy Resource Guide supporting transitions to formality"
Key challenges are discussed:
- Marginalization from the mainstream economy
- Weak data to support policy development
- Attitudinal barriers and social exclusion
- Low educational levels
- Skills gaps
- Labour market discrimination
- Weak policy and legal environment
and emerging approaches and good practices are presented:
- A rights based approach
- Inclusive strategies
- Addressing data challenges
- Expanding labour market opportunities
- Education policies
- Overcoming skills gaps
- Making training accessible
- Community Based Rehabilitation
- Changing policy and legal frameworks
- Awareness raising and knowledge sharing
View webpage for full text
Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Livelihoods; work and employment; employer and workplace; Inclusion; empowerment; inclusion and mainstreaming; Education; formal education; technical and vocational education and training; vocational training; Cross-cutting; policy; Rehabilitation; community-based rehabilitation; awareness raising