et al
Publication Date
August 2014
50 p, ill
“The aim of this study was to use the KIM to estimate the prevalence of moderate/severe physical, sensory and intellectual impairments and epilepsy among children in two districts (Ntcheu and Thyolo) in Malawi. The Key Informant Method (KIM) is a novel method for generating these data. KIM focuses on training community volunteers to identify local children who may have disabilities, who are then screened by medical professionals and referred on for appropriate health and rehabilitation interventions. Consequently, the method offers an alternative to population-based surveys of disability in children, which can be costly and time consuming”
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Disability and social diversity; children with disabilities; functional limitation: cognitive/ intellectual; functional limitation: hearing; functional limitation: mobility; functional limitation: visual; persons with disabilities; Education; technical and vocational education and training; Health; diseases: non-communicable diseases (NCD); epilepsy; Programme/ Project; needs/ market assessment; Rehabilitation; diagnosis and assessment; Research; data collection; disability studies; participatory and community-based participatory research; research design; survey