Publication Date
246 p
A wide range of international case studies of grass-roots projects involved in communication for social change. Covers radio, theatre, video and the Internet and the participatory approaches they are employed in. Each case study gives a succinct overview which includes history, background, description of the media, outcomes and constraints
Notes:English version is out of print, but is available onlineĀ
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Disability and community; community; Inclusion; participation; society and social change; sport leisure and recreation; Information & knowledge; communication; dissemination; Politics government and economics; government and politics; socio-economic; Programme/ Project; evaluation; programmes and projects; Research; data collection
Regional Focus
Country focus
Bolivia; Colombia; Mexico; Peru; Honduras; India; Brazil; Nepal; Mali; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Vanuatu; Solomon Islands; Guatemala; South Korea; Nigeria; El Salvador; South Africa; Cuba; Kenya; Ecuador; Senegal; Bangladesh; Kiribati; Madagascar; Egypt; Indonesia; Uganda