Publication Date
44 p, ill
This publication reflects back on four co-design processes undertaken by Light for the World’s Disability Inclusion Lab during the past few years. These different journeys in solution development have demonstrated the power of this methodology to create genuine inclusion in livelihood programming while striving to empower persons with disabilities to achieve economic success. In this publication the social innovation lab methodology is described as a unique approach to inclusive programming, highlighting four cases: The Livelihood Improvement Challenge in Uganda, the lab in the EmployAble programme in Ethiopia, the AgriLab in Cambodia, and the InBusiness pilot in Kenya. Lessons learnt are described.
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Cross-cutting; advocacy; Disability and social diversity; functional limitation: visual; persons with disabilities; youth; Development/ Humanitarian; rural development; Inclusion; empowerment; Livelihoods; sector: agriculture; Information & knowledge; communication; work and employment; sector: industry; microfinance and microcredit; Research; participatory and community-based participatory research; vocational training; Education; technical and vocational education and training