Inclusive design and accessibility of the built environment in Freetown - an Inclusive Infrastructure Case Study from Sierra Leone

PATRICK, Michaela

Publication Date 

October 2023
140 p

Showcasing findings and recommendations for infrastructure, the built environment and urban development in Freetown, Sierra Leone, the case study provides actions towards creating a more accessible and inclusive city. Building a picture of the current state of inclusive design and accessibility of the built environment, the report sets out the potential for inclusive design to address existing barriers to inclusion for persons with disabilities.  


Research conducted in Sierra Leone included interviews, co-design workshops and photo diaries, with 15 stakeholders and 20 persons with disabilities living and working in the city.


Inclusive Infrastructure is a sub-programme of UK aid funded AT2030, testing ‘what works’ to improve access to life-changing Assistive Technology (AT) for all. The research demonstrates how access to AT is dependent on an enabling and inclusively designed built environment. The Sierra Leone case study is the fifth of six that help build a global picture of the current state of inclusion and accessibility in our cities through engaging local stakeholders and communities. 


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