et al
Publication Date
March 2008
30-35 p
This article presents reflections of community-based rehabilitation (CBR) professionals who attended a workshop prior to the 17th International Leprosy Congress. The professionals discussed the need to make their rehabilitation programmes, often focussed on serving the needs of persons affected by leprosy, more inclusive for other marginalised groups, in particular persons disabled through non-leprosy causes. They also reflected on the need to promote the self-organisation of people affected by leprosy and their inclusion of them also in general Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) either individually or through their organisations
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1
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Cross-cutting; accessibility; Disability and community; organisations of persons with disabilities (ODP); Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; vulnerable groups; Health; diseases: communicable diseases (CD); Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Rehabilitation; community-based rehabilitation