Publication Date
61 p
This country report describes the situation of disabled people in Sri Lanka. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation, describes disability organisations and development agencies and lays out the results of a participatory programme. In addition to this, the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality
Meeting:Regional Workshop on Disability and DevelopmentManila, Philippines2-4 October 2002
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Cross-cutting; awareness raising; policy; strategic planning; Disability and community; organisations of persons with disabilities (ODP); Education; formal education; Enabling environments; transportation; Global picture; country profile; poverty; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; participation; Livelihoods; social protection; vocational training; work and employment; Politics government and economics; legislation and policy; socio-economic; Programme/ Project; design inclusive projects