Publication Date
191 p
These guidelines provide information to organisations and individuals on how to respond during humanitarian emergencies by highlighting eleven specific action sheets that offer practical guidance on mental health and psychosocial support. The guidelines include a matrix of interventions with guidance for emergency planning, actions to be taken in the early stages of an emergency, and comprehensive responses needed in the recovery and rehabilitation phases. This resource is gives humanitarian actors useful inter-agency, inter-sectoral guidance and tools for responding effectively in the midst of emergencies
Notes:A poster of the matrix is available on the ISAC website in Spanish, French, Arabic and EnglishÂ
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Development/ Humanitarian; WASH; disability and emergency; human disasters (war & conflict); inclusive disaster response; Education; formal education; Health; mental health; systems: service delivery; Human rights; rights; Livelihoods; business development support; Programme/ Project; evaluation; monitoring; Rehabilitation; management (service delivery)