Human rights: a reality for all : Council of Europe Disability Strategy 2017-2023 (2017)


Publication Date 

March 2017
38 p

The overall goal of the Council of Europe Disability Strategy 2017-2023 is to achieve equality, dignity and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in specific areas where the Council of Europe can make an input. This requires ensuring independence, freedom of choice, full and active participation in all areas of life and society. This will be achieved through work and activities around five priority areas:

1. Equality and non-discrimination

2. Awareness raising

3. Accessibility

4. Equal recognition before the law

5. Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse

Action will also target five cross-cutting themes: participation, co-operation and co-ordination, universal design and reasonable accommodation, gender equality perspective, multiple discrimination and education and training.

Regional Focus 


Type of material 

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