Publication Date
63 p
This review looks at global literature from academic institutions and UN agencies on psychosocial support and counselling, to HIV infected pregnant women and their families (from pre-conception to 2 years old). It also contains information about the efficacy of practices and projects that care for infected women and their families, especially methods used in relation to mother-to-child transmission during the perinatal period. There are also interesting examples of such projects from around the world. The final section of the review makes recommendations on psychosocial support and counselling for HIV infected women and families
Document No:WHO/RHR/03.07WHO/HIV/2003.07 Series:Occasional Paper 7
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Disability and community; family & caregivers; Disability and social diversity; children with disabilities; women with disabilities; Health; issues: maternal and child health; mental health; risk factors; systems: service delivery; treatment and prevention; Inclusion; society and social change; Programme/ Project; programmes and projects; Research; literature review