Good practices in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China : how to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities are promoted and respected?


Publication Date 

November 2012
60 p, ill

The report is a collection of good practices of inclusion of people with disabilities in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, compiled through the ‘Support to DPOs’ project. Making It Work methodology was used to collect good practice of social integration and participation by people with disabilities; good practice in terms of working methods to ensure partner ownership and long term sustainability; and good practice in terms of process, such as participative working methods to ensure the long-term ‘real’ inclusion of persons with disabilities. The target of the report is the Disability Working Committee, the key Government body in decision making on disability issues. The report considers 13 case studies on such topics as DPO activity, inclusive education, community participation, rehabilitation and livelihoods. For each case study, influencing factors (positive and negative) are identified, and possible improvements and recommendations for replication suggested. This collection of good practices gives a diverse range of possible actions for the enhanced inclusion of persons with disabilities; combining access to services (early education, mainstream education, and rehabilitation), arts and culture, awareness-raising, and active participation in political and social life

Regional Focus 

Country focus 


Type of material 

Content type