Publication Date
August 2018
3 p
The key objective of the Global Disability Summit was to deliver ambitious new global and national level commitments on disability inclusion. National governments and other organisations made 170 sets of commitments around the four central themes of the Summit (ensuring dignity and respect for all, inclusive education, routes to economic empowerment and harnessing technology and innovation), as well as the two cross-cutting themes (women and girls with disabilities and conflict and humanitarian contexts), and data disaggregation.
Commitments made can be viewed in full on:
View webpage for full text
Development/ Humanitarian; disability and development; Inclusion; society and social change; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Cross-cutting; policy; inclusion and mainstreaming; Education; inclusive education; Politics government and economics; economics; Enabling environments; innovation; women with disabilities; human disasters (war & conflict); Global picture; disability indicators and data