et al
Publication Date
June 2014
29 p, ill
“This guide to the future framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR) is intended for decision-makers, particularly those in government responsible for contributing to the new agreement. The guide is organised into a set of modules, each representing important aspects of the successor to the existing Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). By presenting evidence in the form of data, facts and summary messages, the modules [in this report] highlight what should be covered by a new agreement. There are seven modules: Making the case, The architecture, Financing, Vulnerability, and inclusion, Climate change, Conflict and fragility, Stakeholders and leadership”
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Cross-cutting; policy; Development/ Humanitarian; inclusive disaster response; Disability and social diversity; vulnerable groups; Global picture; disability indicators and data; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Politics government and economics; international cooperation; Programme/ Project; evaluation; learning