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Publication Date
October 2007
163 p
This handbook is the result of extensive collaboration between the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. It aims to raise awareness about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, disseminate information and help stakeholders understand the key elements of the Convention as they put the articles into practice. Extensive insights and a range of examples are designed to aid parliamentarians as they promote and protect the rights of disabled people. It would be useful for anyone with an interest in human rights and disability and development. It will also be available in Arabic, French and Spanish
Document No:HR/PUB/07/6
View webpage for full text
Cross-cutting; awareness raising; Development/ Humanitarian; development agencies; disability and development; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse; rights; Inclusion; exclusion and discrimination; inclusion and mainstreaming; participation; Politics government and economics; international cooperation