Publication Date
October 2001
37 p
Most CBR experience has come from rural areas in developing countries. However, even in large cities specific population groups - such as people living in slums or low-income areas in the urban peripheries - may face difficulties in accessing rehabilitation services. To address this, the World Health Organization set up a number of pilot consultations and projects in seven countries (Indonesia, India, the Philippines, Brazil, Bolivia, Egypt and Kenya) in 1995. This document gives a report of a final meeting of representatives of these pilot projects.
Document No:WHO/DAR/02.1
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Development/ Humanitarian; rural development; shelter; urban development; Disability and community; community; Enabling environments; infrastructure; Health; systems: health workforce; Inclusion; empowerment; participation; Programme/ Project; programmes and projects; Rehabilitation; community-based rehabilitation; management (service delivery); therapeutic (treatment)