UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL DRUG CONTROL PROGRAMME (UNDCP) JOINT UNITED NATIONS PROGRAMME ON HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Publication Date 2001 101 p Document No:E.01.XI.15 Series:ODCCP Studies on Drugs and CrimeUNAIDS Best Practice Collection View webpage for full text http://catalogue.safaids.net/publications/drug-abuse-and-hivaids-lesso... Keywords Health; issues: maternal and child health; systems: medical products vaccines and technologies; systems: service delivery; treatment and prevention; Politics government and economics; collaboration; Programme/ Project; good practices; learning Regional Focus Europe (EURO) South East Asia (SEARO) Country focus Belarus; Bulgaria; Lithuania; Russian Federation; Slovakia; Hungary; Kazakhstan; Poland; Ukraine; Czech Republic Language English Type of material text Publisher United Nations Publications Log in or register to post comments