Publication Date
April 2014
27 p
“This note provides background information on disability and disaster risk reduction and the respective normative frameworks. It considers key elements of disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction and provides a brief overview of disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR) in the Asian and Pacific region. It also outlines the next steps towards the development of the post-2015 DRR framework. Terms that are commonly used in the fields of disaster risk reduction and disability are listed with definitions in Annex 1”
Asia-Pacific Meeting on Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction: Changing Mindsets through Knowledge
Sendai, Japan
22-23 April 2014
View webpage for full text
Development/ Humanitarian; inclusive disaster response; inclusive disaster risk reduction; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Health; systems: service delivery; treatment and prevention; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Programme/ Project; evaluation; Sustainable development goals