Publication Date
April 2018
56 p, ill.
Disaster risk management aims to address vulnerability in order to reduce risk and therefore needs to consider the full range of vulnerability drivers, including those that affect persons with disabilities. This report presents the results of comprehensive review of the state of practice in disability-inclusive Disaster risk management (DRM) undertaken by GFDRR (Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery). The report is intended to help World Bank staff incorporate persons with disabilities and a disability perspective into their ongoing DRM work. The report will also be of interest to other development actors and stakeholders working on DRM.
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Cross-cutting; accessibility; attitudinal barriers; policy; Development/ Humanitarian; inclusive disaster response; inclusive disaster risk reduction; inclusive emergency preparedness and planning; Disability and social diversity; elderly; persons with disabilities; Enabling environments; infrastructure; Health; treatment and prevention; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Information & knowledge; communication; Politics government and economics; legislation and policy