Publication Date
October 2017
198 p
This book presents new research on disability, health, and wellbeing in four countries (Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda) . The primary focus is empirical. It also makes a conceptual contribution as it presents a new model of disability based on the human development and capability approach. It addresses four questions:
- How should disability be defined to analyse and inform policies related to wellbeing?
- What is the prevalence of functional difficulties?
- What inequalities are associated with functional difficulties?
- What are the economic consequences of functional difficulties?
Detailed data analysis using large-scale household survey datasets is combined with an interactional model of disability based on Amartya Sen’s capability approach.
DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-53638-9
First of book series: the Palgrave Studies in Disability and International Development
View webpage for full text
Disability and community; independent living; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Global picture; concepts of disability; disability indicators and data; poverty; Health; systems: leadership and governance; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; Politics government and economics; economics; Research; data analysis; disability studies