Publication Date
Original Research Articles
- An Online Survey on Identification of Evaluation Capacity, Needs and Current Practice of Programme Evaluation in Community-based Rehabilitation
- Identifying Rehabilitation Workforce Strengths, Concerns and Needs: A Case Study from the Pacific Islands
- Work Ability Index: Validation and Model Comparison of the Malaysian Work Ability Index (WAI)
- The Use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in Primary Care: Findings of Exploratory Implementation Throughout Life
- Concurrent Validity of Mobility Disability Scale among Community-dwelling Individuals
- Sexual Violence against Women with Disabilities in Ghana: Accounts of Women with Disabilities from Ashanti Region
- Community-Based Rehabilitation Services in Low and Middle-Income Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region: Successes and Challenges in the Implementation of the CBR Matrix
Brief reports
- The Double Burden: Barriers and Facilitators to Socioeconomic Inclusion for Women with Disability in Bangladesh