et al
Publication Date
May 1999
p 383-389
Malaria control in Africa relies primarily on early effective treatment for clinical disease, but most early treatments for fever occur through self-medication with shop-bought drugs. Lack of information to community members on over-the-counter drug use has led to widespread ineffective treatment of fevers, increased risks of drug toxicity and accelerating drug resistance. This study examined the feasibility and measured the likely impact of training shop keepers in rural Africa on community drug use. It concludes that this approach is both feasible and likely to have a significant impact
Serial Title:Tropical Medicine and International Health Serial Part:Vol 4 No 5
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Disability and community; community; Disability and social diversity; children with disabilities; Education; technical and vocational education and training; Health; diseases: communicable diseases (CD); malaria; risk factors; systems: health information systems; systems: medical products vaccines and technologies