et al
Publication Date
31 p
In 1994 the ILO, WHO and UNESCO published the first version of this joint position paper. Since then progress has been made in several fields. Nevertheless many disabled people are still not reached or included in the fields of rehabilitation, employment or education - particularly disabled women, people with mental health problems or HIV/AIDS and poor disabled people.
This paper underlines that community-based rehabilitation is a strategy promoting multi-sectoral collaboration to reach different community groups. CBR has to be based on the principles of equal opportunities, participation and human rights.
Document No:WB 320
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Cross-cutting; policy; Disability and community; community; family & caregivers; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; Education; formal education; Global picture; poverty; Inclusion; inclusion and mainstreaming; society and social change; Politics government and economics; collaboration; Rehabilitation; community-based rehabilitation; management (service delivery); Research; data analysis