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This toolkit addresses the technical and the administrative as well as the social aspects of camp management. It focuses specifically on individual camp managers, camp management teams and camp management agencies. It compiles and complements the existing sectoral guidelines for various assistance and protection activities in camps.
The toolkit is part of a holistic process that aims at covering the full spectrum of camp management activities. The objectives of the Camp management toolkit are: (a) to define and compile information on all aspects of camp operations; (b) to define roles and responsibilities in relation to each topic; (c) to provide both practical and reference tools to support the daily work, including checklists, monitoring forms and practical guidelines; (d) to consider vulnerable groups in the coordination of the camp.
Camps for displaced persons must always be seen as part of a larger context. Strengthening the capacity of the local community to cope with a large influx of displaced persons should be a priority, and supplementary humanitarian assistance to the local community should always be considered