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75 p
An extensive annotated bibliography of 100 documents relevant to 'bridging research and policy'. Mainstream literature is supplemented with alternative viewpoints. The bibliography has been divided into three key themes ('bridging research and policy: the political context', 'the actors: networks, organisations, individuals', 'the message and the media'), including 'new' subject areas that may be useful (eg social psychology, media studies, marketing and communication). The entries are listed alphabetically by author, and then cross-indexed by theme, and by academic discipline
Document No:Working Paper 174
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Cross-cutting; advocacy; policy; Development/ Humanitarian; development agencies; development in general; organisational development; Enabling environments; ICT; Health; treatment and prevention; Information & knowledge; communication; dissemination; knowledge development; Politics government and economics; government and politics; Programme/ Project; media; programmes and projects; Research; research design