AusAID development for all strategy : mid-term review

KELLY, Linda
WAPLING, Lorraine

Publication Date 

October 2012
59 p

This report presents the findings and outcomes of the mid-term review (MTR) of the AusAUD Development for All Strategy which was launched in November 2008 and covers a period of five years from 2009 to 2014, with specific funding allocated against the Strategy from 2010. The strategy’s intention is to strengthen the effectiveness of Australia's aid program by ensuring that people with disability contribute to and benefit from the program
"The report is structured around four sections. This background section introduces the Strategy and the history and rationale of AusAID focus on disability-inclusive development. The second section outlines the methodology and approach for the MTR. The third and major section presents the findings of the review against the five outcome areas of the Strategy with a short discussion following each presentation of findings. The final section concludes the discussion overall and outlines the recommendations arising from the MTR"

Regional Focus 


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