Are international health research programmes doing enough to develop research systems and skills in low and middle income countries? Responsible vertical programming : How global health research can deliver essential research, achieve impact and build na

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27 p

This statement from the Council on Health Research for Development considers the responsibility of research programmes carried out in low to middle income countries to build the capacity of a country’s researchers and the national research system, in the process of achieving its own research goals. It sets out 4 problems that need to be addressed: health research needed by developing countries is mostly conducted for them, sometimes with them, but rarely by them; health research in developing countries is problem-specific - or ‘vertical’ and does not usually contribute to building the national system for health research; the questions addressed by health research in developing countries are largely determined by the international community - specifically those funding ‘global health research’; and health research is not seen as a key driver of development in low income countries - which constitutes a missed opportunity towards real and sustainable progress. Also included are a set of practical steps that can be taken to make vertical research programmes more responsible

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