Publication Date
47 p
This report summarises the findings of the 4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress the theme of which was to assess how to advance appropriate wheelchair services across the African continent. This report explores a range of key topics including: impact of wheelchairs on quality of life; partnership for appropriate wheelchair services (from a global and African perspective); wheelchair technology training; wheelchair services and poverty reduction strategy; conventions and guidelines; and capacity building
4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress Report
Uhuru Hotel, Moshi
17-21 September 2007
Meeting:4th All Africa Wheelchair CongressMoshi, Tanzania17-21 September 2007
View webpage for full text
Cross-cutting; accessibility; Development/ Humanitarian; sustainable development; Disability and community; capacity building; Disability and social diversity; functional limitation: mobility; Rehabilitation; assistive technologies; management (service delivery); Research; quality of life and wellbeing