
Cerebral Palsy Group


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13506 Summerport Village Pkwy
Windermere, FL 34786407-501-5056

Cerebral Palsy Group is an online resource for anyone who has been affected by cerebral palsy, birth injuries, or brain injuries. The team was created to provide answers and all types of assistance needed to help improve the quality of life for loved ones and family members with cerebral palsy. It helps provide free support and useful resources to individuals and families who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other disabilities

The Leprosy Mission International (TLMI)


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80 Windmill Road
Middlesex TW8 OQH

TLMI's mission is to minister in the name of Christ to the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of individuals and communities disadvantaged by leprosy, working with them to uphold human dignity and eradicate leprosy. Their resource centre is open to the public

Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya Rehabilitation Clinic


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PO Box 93959

Aims to rehabilitate children with physical disabilities up to the point where they can walk on their own or with the support of walking appliances; to improve their health by providing necessary medication; and to assess their needs for a school placement. It is hoped that these children will then be able to lead a near normal life with the same opportunities as their able-bodied counterparts

Social Service for the Welfare of Children - Lebanon (SeSoBEL)


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551-Zouk Mikael

SeSoBEL's objectives are to assist the disabled child to live a life filled with joy and hope despite its disability and associated difficulties; to support and accompany the family in coping with their child's disability so that the disabled child is able to remain with family; and to collaborate with society and help it to recognise the disabled child's value and right to a dignified life regardless of their disability and its effects. The resource centre is not open to the public

Centre for International Child Health (CICH)


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Institute for Child Health
30 Guilford Street
London WC1N 1EH

Specialises in teaching and research in mother and child health and community-based rehabilitation in less developed countries. The CICH runs MSc, diploma as well as shorter courses which are designed for health workers in middle and senior management of community health programmes in developing countries. Source, the resource centre, run in collaboration with Healthlink Worldwide and Handicp International has an extensive range of materials about health issues affecting developing countries, and also houses the Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) bookshop. Source is open to the general public

Comic Relief


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5th Floor
89 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7TP

Comic Relief exists to tackle poverty and promote social justice by helping disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa to realise their aspirations and potential. They do this by raising funds and awareness, and allocating funds donated by the public to charitable projects across the UK and Africa



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Brockley Academy, Brockley Lane
Bristol BS48 4AQ

Motivation aim to establish self sustaining wheelchair prduction and distribution services, mainly in developing countries, with the associated training in education and healthcare needed for wheelcharir users to live full and independent lives

Helen Keller Worldwide (HKW)


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352 Park Avenue South
12th Floor
New York, NY 10010

Helen Keller Worldwide prevents blindness, restores sight and provides rehabilitation services to blind people, saving the sight and lives of the most vulnerable people. Programmes are working in thirty countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas. In an effort to provide services that effect long-term change, they aim to build the capacity of governments and strengthen existing infrastructures. Helen Keller Worldwide acts as a trainer and organiser and offers technical asssistance to the public, private and non-profit sectors that provide health care services at regional, national and international levels

International Nursing Services Ass, India (INSA/INDIA)


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5/1 Benson Cross Road Benson Town, Bangalore Karnataka 560046

The organisation trains trainers to establish need based health development and AIDS prevention projects in remote areas of India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The training programmes conducted offer follow-up services to each trainee in their place of work and establishes a long term relationship with the trainee. The training programme deals with all aspects of health.

NWWC Health Education Centre


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Vahithabhavan Arriyancode
Ottasekharamangalam PO
Pin 695125, TVPM, Kerala

PADS work towards world peace and disarmament through poverty eradication, health, development and information gathering and sharing including networking. Resource centre open to the public

Association for Health and Environmental Dvt (AHED)


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17 Beirut Street
Apartment #501
Heliopolis, Cairo

AHED's objectives are to assist in identifying appropriate strategies and policies in areas of health, disability and environment which particularly respond to the needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalised groups; to raise awareness and advocate around these issues through campaigning, dissemination of information and training; to develop the development of grassroots comprehensive interventions and models through which these strategies can be tested, evaluated and lessons learned disseminated; to help strengthen cooperation and integration amongst diferent bodies working in the above areas; and to facilitate and assist in the empowerment of marginalised groups through the development of organisations representing their interests. Its resource centre is open to the public

Catholic AIDS Action


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P O Box 11525

Namibia ranks as one of the most HIV/AIDS-affected countries in the world. But most people who have HIV don't know they are infected, which means that the disease continues to spread, unabated. Catholic AIDS Action believes that the AIDS pandemic calls for a holistic response, that addresses both prevention and care. There is no time to waste. Since its founding in 1998 as the first national church-based response to HIV/AIDS in Namibia, Catholic AIDS Action has grown to become Namibia's largest and most effective non-governmental organisation in the AIDS field. Thirty trained volunteer groups now provide nationwide home-based family care to people infected with HIV and AIDS. Another 35 groups work on income-producing projects, living programs for people who are already infected, peer support, and outreach. Its prevention program has graduated over 4,000 youngsters in a ten-week UNICEF-sponsored course. It has also established national standards for training and supervising home-based care, as well as care of needy orphans

Central Council of Disabled Persons (CCODP)

Sri Lanka

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PO Box 05
Kinigama Rd
Bandarawela 90100

CCODP aims:
1. To encourage persons interested to organize as groups for the common development of disabled.
2. To encourage groups of disabled and help them in every possible way to speak for themselves at National level.
3. To introduce CBR as the most appropriate, effective and cost-effective method for rural areas.
4. To make training facilities available to help implementers of CBR in every possible way to render a better service to the community.

Kilimanjaro CBR - Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania (CCBRT)


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PO Box 8515

The organisation is concerned with any type of disability through rehabilitation and prevention. The organisation operates a successful community based rebabilitation programme in a remote rural area. It is staffed by trained, well-informed workers belonging to the area backed up by a specialist supervisor, who together have gained people's confidence.
