
Diana Princess of Wales Health Education|& Media Centre|The Leprosy Mission Trust India


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B-13A, Institutional Area
Sector 62, Noida - 201 307
Dist G B Nagar U P

The Health Education and Media Center is part of The Leprosy Mission Trust India. The Media Center has an audio-visual studio and editing suite. The organisation aims to create awareness through the media on a number of diseases; leprosy, HIV-AIDS, cancer, malaria, TB and Hepatitis. The organisation also takes on an advocacy role in order to sensitise people on the issues concerning disabled people. The organisation operates hospitals, ophthalmic units, district level community awareness and prevention of disability programmes, artificial limb centres, training centres for medical personnel, research centres, schools and vocational training centres.

Ephpheta Foundation for the Blind Inc


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NVRC Compound
Burgos St., Project 4
Quezon City

The Ephpheta organisation specialises in the rehabilitation & skills training of the visually impaired (VIPs). The economic opportunities programme entails soap manufacturing, musical skills, massage & reflexology. The organisation also operates a blindness prevention program, housing for marginalised and visually impaired people, a home for elderly VIPs and a community center.

UN Enable (formerly: UN Global Programme on Disability)


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United Nations Enable
Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations, S-2906
New York, NY 10017

UN Enable works to advance the rights of persons with disabilities in society and development, through key global instruments such as the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (1982), the Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1994) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), as well as other relevant human rights and development instruments.



National Childbirth Trust (NCT)


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239 Shawbridge Street
Glasgow G43 1QN

The National Childbirth Trust is a selfhelp organisation based in the UK and primarily aimed at UK parents. Offers childbirth classes and breastfeeding advice. It also publishes and distributes books and information resources that can be adapted for the information needs of parents in developing countries. Topics covered include: pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, early days, parenthood. Publications can be ordered via the website.

TRIOPS Tropical Scientific Books|S Toeche-Mittler Distribution (STMV)


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Orders Dept
Hidenburgstrasse 33
D-64295 Darmstadt

TRIOPS is a supplier of specialist literature in the field of natural sciences for tropical and subtropical scientific books and all literature regarding development aid (science, politics, agricultural economics, medicine, biology, energy and environment). Catalogue includes more than 5000 titles that can be ordered through the website and are distributed all over the world.

Mental Health Media


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356 Holloway Road
London N7 6PA

Mental Health Media develop and deliver a range of projects which aim to educate and give people the tools and skills to understand and address issues of mental health. They also work with journalists and broadcasters to inform their coverage of mental health issues. Mental Health Media and Rethink have founded the Mental Health Shop to provide a one-stop shop for information and resources on mental health. You can order all of MHM and Rethink's resources through the new website at or by calling 0845 456 0455.

International Centre for the Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation, Queen's University (ICACBR)


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154 Albert Street
K7L 3N6

ICACBR is an organization committed to advancing the concept of community based rehabilitation (CBR) practice in partnership with persons with disabilities and their communities around the world. All activities are directed towards achieving international excellence in CBR education, policy, service delivery and research. The Centre's goal is to increase the acceptance and knowledge of CBR as an appropriate and realistic method for fulfilling human rights and improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities, their families, and their communities.

European Network On Independent Living (ENIL)


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Ground Floor
Chase House
City Junction Business Park
Northern Cross
Malahide Road

The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is a Europe-wide network of people with disabilities, with members throughout Europe. ENIL is a forum for all disabled people, Independent Living organisations and their non-disabled allies on the issues of Independent Living. ENIL represents the disability movement for human rights and social inclusion based on solidarity, peer support, de-institutionalisation, democracy, self-representation, cross disability and self-determination.

ENIL promotes equal opportunities for disabled people and fights against discrimination in Europe. ENIL addresses the under-representation of persons with extensive disabilities in European disability and social politics, as well as in mainstream society

Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Somity (BPKS)


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PKS Complex,
Road 17, Ward 1
Dhaka 1230

BPKS is a non-governmental, self-help organisation of persons with disabilities (PWDs), committed to directly working with PWDs to enable them to be self-reliant and to contribute to the development of a non-discriminatory society for all.

The organisation's goal is equality and opportunity in all activities by emphasising the needs of PWDs through ensuring the attainment of their equal rights, equal access to all opportunities and full participation in national-building activities

Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH (NCAM)


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One Guest Street
MA 02135

A non-profit research and development (R&D) organisation dedicated to achieving media access equality for people with disabilities. NCAM's mission is to expand access to present and future media for people with disabilities; to explore how existing access technologies may benefit other populations; to represent its constituents in industry, policy and legislative circles; and to provide access to educational and media technologies for special needs students

Disability inclusive DRR network (DiDRRN)


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Jl. Kaliurang Km.10
Ngablan, RT 04/ RW 15
Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman
Yogyakarta 55581

"DiDRRN is a consortium of like-minded disabled people's organisation (DPOs) and 'mainstream' and disability-focused development and relief organisations. Their collective aim is to secure the active participation, and meaningful contribution, of people with disability in DRR policy and practice post -2015"

European Blind Union (EBU)


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EBU Central Office
6 rue Gager-Gabillot
75015 Paris

he European Blind Union is a non-governmental, non profit-making European organization founded in 1984. One of the six regional bodies of the World Blind Union (External link), it is the only organization representing the interests of blind and partially-sighted people in Europe.

EBU aims to protect and promote the interests of all blind and partially-sighted people in Europe. Its objects and powers are set out in Article II of its Constitution. EBU currently has 44 member countries, each represented by a national delegation. Its work is directed by an Executive Board of 13 elected members who are accountable to a General Assembly held every four years.

The Central Office of EBU is based in Paris. It is responsible for communication within EBU and for information to the general public. It produces a  Newsletter in English, French, German and Spanish.
