
Red Ribbon Centre (RRC)|UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support

Hong Kong

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2/F Wnag Tai Hom Jockey Club Clinic
200 Junction Road
East Hong Kong

Its mission is to facilitate and enhance the community's response to HIV/AIDS. It aims to do this by promoting community participation in AIDS education and research; enhancing the development of quality AIDS education programmes; facilitating the development of social, behavioural and epidemiological research on HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong and the region; and providing an avenue for local and international collaboration in the fight against HIV/AIDS

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR)

Hong Kong

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6/F, 7 Sha Wan Drive

Aims to restore health and economic self-sufficiency to the residents of Hong Kong suffering from any physical disability, whether arising from ill-health or injury. Involved in RENET - a rehabilitation electronic network on the Internet to meet the information needs of rehabilitation personnel in Hong Kong and Asia and the Pacific, to provide them with comprehensive and updated development in areas of policy, service delivery, professional intervention, programme strategies, and evalution and research findings. To facilitate exchange and to attain the objectives of 'Full Equality and participation' and 'A Society for All'. Its resource centre is open to the public

Finnish Disabled People's International Development Association (FIDIDA)


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Lintulahdenkatu 10, 00500 Helsinki

FIDIDA is together with its member organizations implementing a programme called the Finnish Disability and Development Partnership, which aims at the full realization of the human rights of persons with disabilities living in the Global South. FIDIDA also offers training and consultation in disability related development cooperation, and lobbies for the mainstreaming of disability issues in national and international development policy



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151 Western Road
Haywards Heath
West Sussex RH16 3LH

Impact's aim is that no-one should become disabled through disease, lack of knowledge or shortage of medical services. With effective delivery of today's know-how, it believes that, given the will and resources, it should be possible to reduce by one third the incidence of avoidable disability in developing countries, while at the same time helping to break the link between ageing and disability in industrialised countries like their own

International Federation of Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IFHSB)


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Cellebroersstraat 16
1000 Brussels

The IFSBHC aims to improve quality of life for people with SB/HC, stimulate establishment of new groups, support those groups, promote exchange of knowledge and informaiton, stimulate primary prevention, influence international policies of primary prevention, and to undertake projects in developing countries. The IFSBHC resource centre is open to interested parties



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PO Box 94
CV34 5WS

Aims to make the benefits of using computers available to disabled children and adults. Through its network of national offices and regional partners it offers specialist help to people with disabilities in order to enable them to use a computer at home, in education or in employment. Its resource centre is not open to the public

National Academies Press


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500 Fifth Street, NW
Lockbox 285
Washington, DC 20055

Publisher for United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council.
Plymbridge is the distributor for the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
See regional distributors for other countries.

Uganda National Association of the Deaf


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Plot 1601/2 - Kiwanga Estate,
Namanve - Mukono,
P.O. Box 7339,
Kampala - Uganda

Uganda National Association of the Deaf (UNAD) is a non government and voluntary organisation bringing together all categories of Deaf persons in Uganda including those with multiple disabilities like Deaf-Blind persons.  It is a national umbrella organization for all grass root associations of Deaf persons in Uganda.

In 2003 the Uganda National Association of the Deaf received funding from the World Bank for an HIV awareness project for the deaf in Uganda. The project is being run in collaboration with the Disabled Women's Resource Network and Action on Disability and Development

Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organisation


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Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organisation (DWNRO)
PO Box 3454 Kampala

DWNRO carried out a study (witha grant form ActionAid) about knowledge, attitudes and pratice of reproductive health and HIV/AIDS among disabled women. The study showed that disabled people, particularly the women, lack knowledge and access to reproductive health services in the country. It also aimed to establish the constraints faced by disabled women while seeking reproductive health services. It shows that many disabled women cannot easily access family planning and HIV/AIDS information from mass media, nor can they insist on having protected sex. The study points out that high levels of poverty, rape and non-use of contraceptives are the most common factors, which predispose disabled women to unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS

Morning Bird Social Welfare Organization (MBSWO)


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Subid Bazar
Reaz Mansion
Sylhet 3100

MBSWO is a multi-purpose, a-political and not for profit welfare organisation. It aims to reach the poorest of the poor: women, chilren, unemployed youths, the homeless and the disabled. Programmes include formal & informal education, drugs awareness and prevention, treatment & prevention of TB, measles, MUMPS, and Hepatitis B and C. The health programmes are school and community based. In addition, the organisation runs a mental health and addiction hospital alongside a disabled beggar employment project.



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Maison des Sociétés
Square Grimma
Bron 69500

APSIDES focuses on the rehabilitation of physically disabled people in the community.
