
Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA)


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PO Box 3372

Aims to initiate and open communications among all mankind regardless of religious culture, language, race or colour; put into place the principles of charity and providing basic services to the vulnerable and needy; promote and protect human rights; and promote and support water and sanitation programmes

Christian Aid Resources Centre


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35 Lower Marsh
PO Box 100
London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid is an agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland. It works wherever the need is the greatest, irrespective of religion. It supports local organisations to undestand local needs. It strives for a new world, transformed by an end to poverty, and campaigns to change the rules that keep people poor
The Christian Aid resources centre has a collection of more than 5,000 books and 90 journals, specialising in economic and social development. The subject areas covered include HIV/AIDS, agriculture, environment, poverty reduction, gender, conflict, emergencies, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), capacity building, trade issues and land reform. There is a fully searchable database of 17,000 records, including books, documents, journals, videos, articles, websites and archive materials (not available through the website). The services are targeted at Christian Aid staff, but visitors with an appointment are welcome. The library is open Monday - Friday, 10am - midday, and 2 pm - 4pm

People Potential


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Plum Cottage
Hattingley, Alton
Hants GU34 5NQ

People Potential aims to run practical training in conjunction with individuals or organisations concerned with development of designing and manufacuring abilities at individual and community level. Research into the effectiveness of designs, local materials and training, preparation of publications and working for short periods alongside community members and professionals

Skillshare International


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126 New Walk
Leicester LE1 7JA

Skillshare International world for sustainable development in partnership with the people & communities of Africa and Asia. It does this by sharing and developing skills, facilitating organisational effectiveness and supporting organisational growth. The Skillshare resource centre is open to the public

Rehabilitation Workshops Inc|KEREN Vocational Rehabilitation Centres in Israel


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PO Box 15002
Tel Aviv 61150

Provides evaluation, rehabilitation, technical training and assistance in finding employment for severely disabled working-age people. Serves Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouin and immigrants from all over the world. Aims to create more independence and enhanced quality of life for people living wih disabilities through 16 Vocational Rehabilitation Centres, 3 Adjustment-to-work Centres, 43 Sheltered Employment Workshops and 3 KARTEN CTECs. Assists 9000 people annually. Resource centre open to the public

National Information Forum


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Post Point 905
BT Burne House, Bell Street
London NW1 5BZ

The National Information Forum is a voluntary organisation committed to encouraging the provision of accessible information, by every means possible, for disabled people, young people leaving care or custody, gypsies, travellers, refugees and anyone else disadvantaged in gaining access to information. Produces accessible and affordable guides and manuals that can be ordered online.

World Health Organization (WHO)


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Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27

Charged to act as the world's directing and coordinating authority on suggestions of human health, WHO has developed a host of networks and mechanisms for generating data, applying facts to problems and recommending solutions that will lead to sustained improvements in health. The WHO resource centre is open to the public

Disability Services Division


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PO Box 41
4 Ferrels Lane
Belize City

Advocates for people with disabilities and the implementation of policies that promote the well-being of people with disabilities
