
NAM Publications


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77a Tradescant Road,

NAM exists to support the fight against AIDS with independent, accurate, accessible and comprehensive information. It produces extensive information on treatments,directories of contacts and organisations working in the HIV field, as well as international resources database which is searchable in 6 languages. There is also a searchable database of HIV clinics available in the UK. NAM is the UK's leading specialist HIV / AIDS information provider with international publications including the European AIDS Directory and AIDS organisations worldwide - accessible online at Now NAM works with the International HIV / AIDS Alliance to provide additional international support

AIDS Ile Mucadele Derngi (AMD)


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Fahrettin Altay Saglik Ocagi
Uc Kuyulad

A non governmental organisation with the head office in Izmir and 12 branches throughout the country. They have a resource centre open to the public.

World Health Organization (WHO)


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Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27

Charged to act as the world's directing and coordinating authority on suggestions of human health, WHO has developed a host of networks and mechanisms for generating data, applying facts to problems and recommending solutions that will lead to sustained improvements in health. The WHO resource centre is open to the public

International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO)


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65 Wellesley St.
E., Suite 403
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1G7

Aims: Gathering and disseminating information; Analysis on key issues; coordination of the development of CBO/NGO's positions on these issues; Working as partners with key international agencies to ensure that the concerns and interests of CBO/NGO's are anticipated and represented; Strengthening the response in communities with fewer resources; Promote and support the work of CBO/NGOs around the worls in the prevention of AIDS and care and treatment for PWHAs

Community Health Works of San Francisco


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1600 Holloway Avenue
HSS 301
San Francisco 94132

Focuses on the health of low income communities, in particular in the health of colored and immigrant communities. It is committed to the diversification of the health care workforce and the elimination of health disparities. Their programmes include the first college-based certificate for community health workers in the USA; an urban health oriented Drug and Alcohol Counsellor training programme; a programme to reintegrate internationally trained health professionals who have immigrated to the USA into the US health system; an urban asthma partnership; and the Regional Health Occupations Resource Centre, which disseminates innovative educational programmes to San Francisco Bay Area regional community colleges

Movimiento Unificado de Minorias Servales (MUMS-MOVILH)


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Casilla 52834
Correo Central

MUMS-MOVILH promote width and integration concepts about human sexuality. It Demands human rights of sexual minorities and persons living with HIV. It promotes the creation of integration places and spaces. It promotes preventative action about HIV/AIDS and human rights. The MUMS-MOVILH resource centre os open to the public

Asociacion Via Libra


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PO Box 0420
Lima 31

Aims to develop STD/HIV/AIDS primary prevention strategies; to improve the quality of life of people living with AIDS by providing them with integral health care program; and to promote and protect the human rights of people living with AIDS and their families; and to train health personnel in STDs/HIV/AIDS. The resource centre is open to the public

Centro Coordinator de Evangelización y Realidad Social (CECODERS)

Costa Rica

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P O Box 155-1011
Y Griega, San José

An official institution of the Catholic Church, CECODERS was created in 1985 with the purpose of doing socio-religious research, advising on the pastoral planning of parishes and dioceses, and attending to various social sectors from the perspective of the Social Doctrine. Since then CECODERS has carried out numerous surveys, it has taken part in the planning of diverse parochial churches and dioceses, and it has developed training, formaiton and support programs for parochial communities, labour unions, and groups of different natures, including HIV/AIDS patients. CECODERS resource centre is open to the public

Centers for Disease Control National Prevention Information Network (CDC NPIN)


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PO Box 6003
MD 20849-6003

The CDC NPIN is the US national reference referral and distribution service for information on HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB, sponsored by the CDC. All of NPIN's services are designed to facilitate the sharing of information and resources among people working in HIV, STD and TB preventionn, treatment , and support services. NPIN staff serve a diverse network of constituents who work in international, national, state and local settings. The CDC NPIN resource centre is open to the public

Society of St.Vincent de Paul (SVP or SVdeP)

Trinidad and Tobago

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PO Box 1105
20 Duncan Street
Port of Spain

The SVP is a voluntary charitable organisation. SVP provide welfare assistance to further human development. The charity operates 10 homes for the aged, 2 hostels, 2 half-way houses, 3 shelters and a centre for socially displaced persons

Grupo de Apoio e Prevencao a AIDS-Bahia (GAPA-BA)


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Rua Colômbia 44
Santos - SP

GAPA Bahia aims to contribute to the reduction in the level of HIV; to offer psychosocial support to people living with HIV; to press for the respect of human rights in social policies and to respond to AIDS within their public health programmes. They run a telephone hotline; distribute free condoms to low income communities; produce publications; have a resource library that is open to the public; run publicity campaigns; and train school teachers in AIDS education. Specific education campaigns are with low-income sectors, trade unions, men who have sex with men, sex workers and NGO training. They provide pre- and post-test counselling, occupational therapy for PWAs and a legal advice service for PWAs
