
Challenged Network of Kenya (CNK)


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The organisation aims "to build the capacity of communities comprising of persons with dsabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, youth, women, children, the old and other persons by empowering them through initiatives that enhance better functioning and participation in opportunities for them to have better lives; to empower persons with disabilities in all aspects of life and nation development; to enlighten the community on issues dealing with disabilities and allowing the persons with disability to participate fully; to train the youth and women on income generating activities.

LVCT Health


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Argwings Kodhek Road
P.O. Box 19835-00202 KNH
Nairobi, Kenya

LVCT Health is a Kenyan non-governmental and not-for-profit organization registered in 2001 after a research project that pioneered the first three HIV voluntary counselling and testing centres in Kenya.

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)


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20 Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27

A leading advocate for worldwide action against AIDS. Its mission is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to the AIDS epidemic in a way that will prevent the spread of HIV, and provide care and support for those affected by the disease; reduce the vulnerability of individuals and communitites to HIV/AIDS; and alleviate the socio-economic and human impact of the epidemic

Sinomlando Centre for Oral History and Memory Work in Africa

South Africa

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School of Religion and Theology
New Arts Building University of KwaZulu-Natal
Golf Road

In Zulu sinomlando means: "we have a history". The Sinomlando Project started at the School of Theology, University of Natal, in 1994 and used the oral testimonies of indigenous people to develop an all-inclusive history of African christianity. Gradually, the scope of the project has broadened, to include other areas, applying the methodology to those sectors of society that need to recover their ‘silenced memory’. Currently Sinomlando is involved in research and training in areas such as HIV/AIDS, gender and family history. The Memory Box Project, which is one of the main components of Sinomlando, is an attempt to address, through the methodology of oral history, the psycho-social needs of children affected by HIV/AIDS

National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda (NACWOLA)


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PO Box 70574

NACWOLA's aim is to improve the quality of life of women living with HIV/AIDS. It objectives are to offer psycho-social support to AIDS affected children; to economically empower HIV positive women to reduce their vulnerability and dependency; to advocate for women living HIV through the publication of newsletters, drama and community sensitisation; to network with other NGOs, PLWA groups nationally and internationally. A core aspect of NACWOLA's work is the Memory Project. This involves training, counselling, running clinics for women, and carrying out activities to bridge the communicaiton gap between women and their children. The NACWOLA resource centre is open to the public

AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU)

South Africa

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Rm 4.29, 4th Floor
Leslie Social Science Bldg
Groote Schuur Campus, University of Cape Town
Cape Town

ASRU supports qualitative and quantitative research on the social and economic dimensions of AIDS in South Africa. Its action research agenda originated in 2001 as the Memory Box Project - an intervention designed to help people come to terms with their diagnosis, disclose their HIV-status to their children and begin the process of succession planning. The focus of its research and projects has now shifted from 'preparing for death' to positive living. Current research initiatives engage with a number of related areas, such as stigma, sexual relationships in the age of AIDS, social and economic factors, influencing disclosure (of HIV-status to others), policy analysis with a focus on the rollout of antiretroviral treatment, impact of providing antiretroviral treatment on individuals and households

The International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)


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2C Leroy House
436 Essex Road
London N1 3QP

An organisation run for and by HIV positive women that exists to promote the voices and improve the situation of HIV positive women throughout the world. It aims to raise the awareness of HIV positive women's issues and promote affective action to address them; reduce the isolation of HIV positive women and overcome the stigma of HIV/AIDS; promote the rights of HIV positive women globally; and empower HIV positive women to address and promote changes in issues of importance to HIV positive women's lives

Christian Youth Development Agency International

South Sudan

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Hai Mauna Block 5, 1st Floor Opp ABMC

Christian Youth Development Agency International South Sudan is a non-profit, non-denominational, a non-political and non-sectarian organization that was formed in 2011 and legally registered in 11 May 2011 with Ministry of Justice and legal affairs under the registrar of Companies, NGOs, Societies and Associations. It was initiated by a group of volunteers who saw the needs to address and champion the voice and needs of the marginalized and vulnerable communities in the Republic of South Sudan
Christian Youth Development Agency International CYDAI- South Sudan originated as a result of increasingly high level of poverty, very poor health indicators, food Insecurity, malnutrition, WASH and other related socio-economic-political problems affecting the development of the nation. The Organization is run by competent staff members under the stewardship of a board of trustees

Life Development Centre (LDC)


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PO Box 300
Chiangmai 50000

The project aims to provide young people from hill tribes with education and information concerning HIV/AIDS prevention to prepare them for when they migrate to cities looking for employment. LDC is a member of the Northern-Thai/Australia Prevention on AIDS and Care Programme

Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART


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Mozaher Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hnila, Teknaf, Cox's Bazar-4700, Bangladesh.

Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART, or HEART Bangladesh for short, is an organization registered with the Department of Local Government, known as a Bangladeshi non-political, local, and national level voluntary, social welfare and non-profit development organization. COVID-19 Post Time Since its inception in 2021, the organization is working for the United Nations Development Goals, Education, Food and Quality of Life, Poverty Alleviation, Youth Empowerment and Development, Entrepreneurship and Skills Development, Unemployment Reduction and Employment, Women Empowerment, Child Care, Adolescent & Elder Age Protection, Environment. , Disaster Management and Climate Change, Emergency Assistance and Refugee Services, Local Violence and Prevention of Child Marriage, Nutrition, Legal Aid, Human Rights, Health and Family Welfare. It is a non-communal youth-friendly and women-friendly, entrepreneur-friendly, and SDG-friendly development organization. At present, about 70 international and globalized networks, alliances, and registered members are conducting organizational and institutional activities together with partners.
