Y Care International (YMCA) UK Expand view 3-9 Southampton Row London WC1B 5HY The international development agency of the YMCA movement. Focuses on the needs and contributions of young people in the developing world, who face the severest of economic and social conditions. They aim to provide financial support for projects that aim to promote self-sufficiency. Funds are chanelled through local YMCAs, which develop projects with their local communities. They aim to broaden the opportunities available to marginalised young people and enable them to escape the poverty trap. They also aim to raise the awareness of development issues in the UK http://www.ycare.org.uk
Terre Des Hommes Switzerland Switzerland Expand view Terre des hommes Avenue de Montchoisi 15 CH-1006 Lausanne Postfach 4018 Basel Created in 1960's, the mission of Terre de hommes has been to come to the aid of children in need. The mission aims to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters or distress. Terre de hommes has developed in two core areas: healthcare and child protection. http://www.tdh.ch/
GTZ Regional AIDS Programme for Africa (GTZ - RAPA) Ghana Expand view PO Box 9698 KIA North Labone, Accra Aims & Objectives: To promote the integration of HIV/AIDS activities in GTZ projects in Africa To contribute to the international partnership against AIDS in Africa (c/o UNAIDS) To share information and documentation with partners
Disability Rights Agenda NGO Armenia Expand view Yerevan, Armenia "Disability Rights Agenda" is an organization that aims to promote, protect and monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the Republic of Armenia. https://www.dra.am/
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Pakistan Pakistan Expand view United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Pakistan Country Office Street#05, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave Ph: +92 51 2097700 UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential under the guidance of the Convention of the Rights of the Child. cooperates with NGOs to achieve goals in the reduction of IMR, MMR, malnutrition, and in the increase of safe water provision, primary school enrolment, salt iodizaiton and immunisation. Its resource centre is not open to the public http://www.unicef.org/pakistan