
Kilimanjaro CBR - Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania (CCBRT)


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PO Box 8515

The organisation is concerned with any type of disability through rehabilitation and prevention. The organisation operates a successful community based rebabilitation programme in a remote rural area. It is staffed by trained, well-informed workers belonging to the area backed up by a specialist supervisor, who together have gained people's confidence.

Arc en Ciel


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Centre Principal
Corniche Fleuve
Jisr el Wati

Arc en Ciel is a not-for-profit organisation that works with and for people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. The main centre produces and repairs wheel chairs, prostheses and other aids along with adapting cars for the needs of individual disabled users. Arc en Ciel runs an income generating project for people with disabilities. Ceramics, religious paintings & handcrafted rugs are sold in the adjoining shop. The organisation also manages a rehabilitation programme along side a general health centre free of charge.|Arc en Ciel is involved in advocating the rights of disabled and vulnerable people. Literature is distributed in arabic, english and french in order to educate and sensitise the public, while it also aims to influence policy.|The organisation has established several youth centres with the aim of dissiminating democratic principles to aid the peace process and develop a national sentiment. The Rain Bow clubs were established in 1996 and faciliate sports, study and internet access for young people.

Disability Studies Unit (DSU)

Sri Lanka

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Faculty of Medicine
University of Kelaniya
PO Box 06

DSU's aims and objectives are to promote CBR internationally and in Sri Lanka through education, research and disemination of information. DSU has disabled staff. DSU has a resource centre which is open to the public and an enquiry service which is accessible by letter or telephone. It also facilitates the training of speech and language therapists and conducts research on disability issues.

Groupe de recherche et d'échanges technologiques (GRET)


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211-213 rue La Fayette
75010 Paris

GRET designs and implements field projects, provides expertise, conducts studies, assessments and applied research, and runs information and exchange networks. It contributes to the elaboration of public policies in the North and in the South. GRET also publishes specialised works on development mainly in French with a few titles in English. Publications can be ordered online.

Doordarshan (National Television), Prasar Bharati, Broadcasting Corporation of India (DD)


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530 DD Bhavan
Copern9icus Marg 8 lf
Babar Place
New Delhi
Delhi 110001

To provide information, education and wholesome entertainment primarily to Indian citizens and to non-resident Indians. In a specially created division, Development Communication Division, this is a successful and sustainable model of secured funding for research-based and impact-oriented public service broadcasting by creating partnerships with ministries and departments of Government of India, UN agencies,other broadcasters, international and national NGOs. While creating communication interventions through such projects, this is a pioneering initiative in public-private partnership established with people at grassroots. Without any funding or support from government or non-governemnt agencies, Over 58000 volunteers in over 2400 Kalyani health clubs remain motivated through a TV programme called KALYANI to create awareness, organise cleanliness drives, blood and eye donations,health camps, promote sanitation and institutional deliveries, and feel empowered enough to seek better health services from the government via complaints to Kalyani

The Disability Monitor Initiative SEE


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Center for Society Orientation - COD

Arsenija Čarnojevića 17/5
11070 Novi Beograd, Republika Srbija

The Disability Monitor Initiative (DMI) for South East Europe is an advocacy initiative to gather and disseminate information on relevant disability topics and push for equal opportunities and inclusive participation. The DMI is primarily based on field research consulting with people with disabilities, service providers, members of civil society, government officials and local authorities. The objectives of the DMI are to build up knowledge on the situation of people with disabilities, examine best practices in terms of social innovation happening on the grass-roots level as well as to inform about policy reforms on the national and international levels. The aim is that the DMI will serve as a tool for reporting on critical issues affecting people with disabilities in an effort to support the empowerment of relevant stakeholders with information.

MOTHER SOCIETY (Miracle Organization towards Health and Education Remedial Society)


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22 Srinivasa Complex
Srinivasa Nagar
Kurnool (Dist)
Andhra Pradesh

MOTHER SOCIETY (Miracle Organization towards Health and Education Remedial Society) is a non-profit and non-governmental voluntary organization (NGO) formed with the group of seven likeminded people who have passion in social service. It intends to take up social, economic, health, educational, vocational training, livelihoods, agricultural, rural development and cultural activities for empowerment of disadvantaged & vulnerable sections of the society particularly of women, children and youth and all in general. The organisation believes in strengthening of disadvantaged & vulnerable sections for equity, justice & peace. Their goal is to work for the development of poor, needy, destitute and sick people and children in slums and villages, to help them break the cycle of poverty and provide education as well as skill based education for the above said categories of people

Note: The organisation registered under Societies Registration Act 35 of 2001, in the year 2005, Its registration number is 647/2005, dated 15-12-2005. It is also registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 1976, on 13 Oct 2009. It has Income Tax (IT) exemption under Sections 12 A

Sabah Integrity Alliance Association (SINAR)


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Lot 6, Tingkat 1, Blok C, Bandar Fajar, Jalan Leila, 90000, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Integrity Alliance Association (SINAR) is a local non government organization (NGO) established in 2016 aim to help the community in various aspects of issues including welfare, humanitarian, human resources, human rights and education.

Intersectionalities - A Global Journal of social work analysis, research, research,policy and practice


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School of Social Work
Memorial University of Newfoundland

"Focus and Scope


The purpose of this journal is to share knowledge and facilitate collaborative discourse amongst social work theorists, practitioners, educators, activists, researchers, and the community members they serve within local, regional and global contexts. The journal seeks to promote social justice by providing a forum for addressing issues of social difference and power in relation to progressive practise, education, scholarly inquiry, and social policy.


The journal aims to underscore issues relating to oppression, privilege and resistance in society and social work. Of critical consideration are the ways in which intersections of age, disability, class, poverty, gender and sexual identity, madness, spirituality, geographical (dis)location, rurality, colonialism/imperialism, indigeneity, racialization, ethnicity, citizenship and the environment are enmeshed in processes of social justice and injustice."

Challenged Network of Kenya (CNK)


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The organisation aims "to build the capacity of communities comprising of persons with dsabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, youth, women, children, the old and other persons by empowering them through initiatives that enhance better functioning and participation in opportunities for them to have better lives; to empower persons with disabilities in all aspects of life and nation development; to enlighten the community on issues dealing with disabilities and allowing the persons with disability to participate fully; to train the youth and women on income generating activities.



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75 Mohakhali
Dhaka 1212

Our mission is to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. Our interventions aim to achieve large scale, positive changes through economic and social programmes that enable women and men to realise their potential.

(Previously Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)


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P.O. Box 11-8575, Riad el-Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon

ESCWA provides a framework for the formulation and harmonization of sectoral policies for member countries, a platform for congress and coordination, a home for expertise and knowledge, and an information observatory.

ESCWA activities are coordinated with the divisions and main offices of the Headquarters of the United Nations, specialized agencies, and international and regional organizations, including the League of Arab States and its subsidiary bodies, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

ESCWA comprises 18 Arab countries:Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, the State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen

Health Unlimited


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Unit 6 Park Place
12 Lawn Lane
London SW18 1UD

Health Unlimited supports poor people in their efforts to achieve better health and well-being. It gives priority to the most excluded and vulnerable, in particular indiginous people and communities affected by conflict and political instability. It works in Asia, Africa and Latin America on long term programmes to strengthen health systems and promote community health. Also works in development communications, particularly in the use of radio to address health issues

National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda (NACWOLA)


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PO Box 70574

NACWOLA's aim is to improve the quality of life of women living with HIV/AIDS. It objectives are to offer psycho-social support to AIDS affected children; to economically empower HIV positive women to reduce their vulnerability and dependency; to advocate for women living HIV through the publication of newsletters, drama and community sensitisation; to network with other NGOs, PLWA groups nationally and internationally. A core aspect of NACWOLA's work is the Memory Project. This involves training, counselling, running clinics for women, and carrying out activities to bridge the communicaiton gap between women and their children. The NACWOLA resource centre is open to the public
