Ezengenkatho CBO South Africa Expand view 40 Old Edendale Road Edendale P.O BOX 63 Edendele 3217 Pietermaritzburg KZN 3200 EzengenkathoCBO was established to expand and contribute to create job opportunities to the unemployed youth. It is intending and has the desire to be recognized as one of the growth of quality service in healthy life style mostly with HIV/ADS. It is already part of development plan to the unemployed 20 identified youth living with disability.
Diversability Development Organization (DDO) Canada Expand view 110 Beavervalley Drive Brampton, Ontario L7A3W6 DDO implements comprehensive programs and operates as a plug-in-and-play resource for international and local organisations addressing the needs of people with disabilities in less resourced settings, as well as on a local community level. DDO draws from a strong core team, as well as a network of experienced associates, offering program input. http://www.diversable.org
The AREPP Educational Trust South Africa Expand view PO Box 51022, Raedene Johannesburg 2124 arepp wishes to communicate to achieve a society in which individual members make constructive choices/decisions for healthy mantal and physical growth.development. Positive self image and information ensure sound choices about self in society http://www.arepp.org.za
Society for Women and AIDS in Africa - Tanzania Branch (SWAAT) Tanzania Expand view P O Box 65081 Dar Es Salaam
AIDS Community Based Outreach Services (ACOBOS) Kenya Expand view P O Box 6316 Kiumu Aims to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and communities. Its objectives are to reduce discriminationagainst PLWHAs and their families; to provide relevant and first hand information on HIV/AIDS to Kenyans involving PLAs; to provide comprehensive health to PLWAs their families; and teach skills to PLWHAs for income generation
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT)|Royal Tropical Institute Netherlands Expand view PO Box 1092 HA Amsterdam The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) is an independent centre of knowledge and expertise in the areas of international and intercultural cooperation. The aims of KIT are to contribute to sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and cultural preservation and exchange. Within the Netherlands, it seeks to promote interest in and support for these issues. KIT's goals are to maximise access to good quality health care in low and middle income countries; promote awareness through theatre, print publications, information dissemination and workshops; and to provide training in the Netherlands and abroad. KIT’s wide range of health-related activities are carried out by staff in the departments of Development Policy and Practice, Biomedical Research, Information and Library Services, KIT Publishers, Tropenmuseum and Tropentheater. KIT is a core member of Share-Net, the Netherlands Network on Sexual & Reproductive Health and AIDS. Share-Net seeks to contribute to improving the international sexual and reproductive health and rights situation as well as the HIV/AIDS situation, guided by principles of human rights, equity and equality and empowerment. For further information see http://www.share-net.nl/ http://www.kit.nl
Misereor Germany Expand view PO Box 101545 52015 Aachen Supports developmental projects in compliance with the principle of "help towards self help", regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or nationality. Also promotes the rights of the poor in the Third World through action in Germany and Europe. Its resource centre is open to the public http://www.misreor.org
Comic Relief UK Expand view 5th Floor 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP UK Comic Relief exists to tackle poverty and promote social justice by helping disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa to realise their aspirations and potential. They do this by raising funds and awareness, and allocating funds donated by the public to charitable projects across the UK and Africa http://www.comicrelief.com
Motivation UK Expand view Brockley Academy, Brockley Lane Backwell Bristol BS48 4AQ Motivation aim to establish self sustaining wheelchair prduction and distribution services, mainly in developing countries, with the associated training in education and healthcare needed for wheelcharir users to live full and independent lives http://www.motivation.org.uk
Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) Guatemala Expand view Apartado Postal 1188 Guatemala City INCAP is a Central American institution of technical cooperation, with leadership and scientific-technical excellence, that promotes, facilitates and supports actions that will enable its Member Countries to reach food and nutrition security. In order to promote the Initiative of Food and Nutrition Security, the institutional fields of action are related to the transfer of technology and technical assistance, operational research, training of personnel and strengthening of institutional capacity, mobilisation of resources and development of collaborative works. Also establishing strategic alliances with Central Americsan institutions as well as those outside the region. The INCAP resource centre is open to the public http://www.incap.org.gt
International Nursing Services Ass, India (INSA/INDIA) India Expand view 5/1 Benson Cross Road Benson Town, Bangalore Karnataka 560046 The organisation trains trainers to establish need based health development and AIDS prevention projects in remote areas of India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The training programmes conducted offer follow-up services to each trainee in their place of work and establishes a long term relationship with the trainee. The training programme deals with all aspects of health.
Association for Health and Environmental Dvt (AHED) Egypt Expand view 17 Beirut Street Apartment #501 Heliopolis, Cairo AHED's objectives are to assist in identifying appropriate strategies and policies in areas of health, disability and environment which particularly respond to the needs of the most disadvantaged and marginalised groups; to raise awareness and advocate around these issues through campaigning, dissemination of information and training; to develop the development of grassroots comprehensive interventions and models through which these strategies can be tested, evaluated and lessons learned disseminated; to help strengthen cooperation and integration amongst diferent bodies working in the above areas; and to facilitate and assist in the empowerment of marginalised groups through the development of organisations representing their interests. Its resource centre is open to the public www.ahedegypt.org
Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE) South Africa Expand view PO Box 35173 Northway 4065 KZN TREE is a nonprofit NGO that provides training, resources and support to caregivers, parents & communities engaged in Early Childhood Development (ECD), which is the holistic education, care and development of young children from birth to 7 years of age. TREE's aims are to promote and support quality, sustainable, holistic ECD for children in disadvantaged communities; to provide access for adults, who impact on the lives of young children, to quality training in early childhood education, care and development; and to provide access to a range of low-cost resources for ECD. It provides opportunities for women's empowerment, income generation and community development through partnership and cooperation with the Department of Education and other departments at the local, provincial and national levels, as well as other stakeholders, on health, education and welfare issues that affect the young child. It trains approximately 3000 women a year to implement quality ECD programmes in their communities, throughout KwaZulu Natal and the Eastern Cape. This training improves the educational potential of approximately 80 000 young children annually, many from remote, impoverished rural areas. TREE has received funding as part of the Community REACH program to investigate new roles for ECD practitioners in supporting orphans and vulnerable children in KwaZulu-Natal province. TREE will use qualitative and quantitative research methods (focus groups and key informants)_ to assess community perceptions of how OVC can best be supported and nurtured. A manual will be produced in Zulu to assist ECD practitioners to identify, care for and support OVCs http://www.tree-ecd.co.za
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) India Expand view Third Cross Street Taraman Institutional Area Chennai 600 113 MSSRF is doing research in five areas, coastal systems; biodiversity and biotechnology; ecotechnology and sustainable agriculture; reaching the unreached; and education, communication, training and capacity building. The flagship project of the Informatics Group is the Information Village Research Project, which has now transferred to the National Virtual Academy for Food Security and Rural Prosperity. Apart from the headquarters at Chennai, the MSSRF has many field centres in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. MSSRF works with underpriveleged groups including dalits and tribal populations. http://www.mssrf.org
Catholic AIDS Action Namibia Expand view P O Box 11525 Windhoek Namibia ranks as one of the most HIV/AIDS-affected countries in the world. But most people who have HIV don't know they are infected, which means that the disease continues to spread, unabated. Catholic AIDS Action believes that the AIDS pandemic calls for a holistic response, that addresses both prevention and care. There is no time to waste. Since its founding in 1998 as the first national church-based response to HIV/AIDS in Namibia, Catholic AIDS Action has grown to become Namibia's largest and most effective non-governmental organisation in the AIDS field. Thirty trained volunteer groups now provide nationwide home-based family care to people infected with HIV and AIDS. Another 35 groups work on income-producing projects, living programs for people who are already infected, peer support, and outreach. Its prevention program has graduated over 4,000 youngsters in a ten-week UNICEF-sponsored course. It has also established national standards for training and supervising home-based care, as well as care of needy orphans http://www.caa.org.na