Centre for Research Information Publication & Traing (CRIPT) India Expand view D No 14-1-442, 394-CIB Block New Agapura Hyderabad - 500 001 The main objective is to establish an information and resource centre for NGOs in different parts of India in order to promote and sustain voluntary action. CRIPT is currently processing and collecting information and resource centre material to equip their library and documetation centre in order to disseminate information to NGOs on development. The library is open to the public http://www.criptorg.evisionbiz.com
Tearfund UK Expand view 100 Church Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 8QE Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers. http://tilz.tearfund.org
Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH) Nigeria Expand view PO Box 30259, Secretariat Ibadan, Oyo State ARFH's vision is to ensure the improved reproductive health status of individuals in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Its mission is to initiate, promote, and implemetn quality community based reroductive health programmes that meet the needs of men, women and youth through training, technical assistance and programme support to individuals ans organisations in Nigeria and eleswhere in Africa. The ARFH resource centre is open to the public
Water Action (WACT) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 13367 Addis Ababa Aims: Support the integration of health education and sanitation programmes with water supply activities to protect the community from water borne and communicable diseases. To tackle the problem of water water of those most vulnerable and needy communities. Reduce the suffering of rural women by alleviating the drudgery of fetching water. Assist participatory environmental protection programmes and small scale irrigation development in order to combat land degredation and increase food production.
AIDS Coordination Bureau|c/o KIT Netherlands Expand view PO Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam A resource centre on on reprodctive health and HIV/AIDS. Resource centre is open to the public http://www.kit.nl/ibd/exchange
Nigerian Medical Forum UK (NMF) UK Expand view 65 Warden Hill Road Luton LU2 7AE Bedfordshire Supplements the effort of the government and health professionals in Nigeria and West Africa to improve the healthcare system and the dissemination of health information and education none
Rural Institute for Development Education India Expand view 46 Periyarnagar Kanchipuram 631 503 RIDE fights for child labourers, promotes economic and social justice for women, provides essential medical and educational services, and cultivates economic opportunity throughout the region. The RIDE resource centre is open to the public http://www.charityfocus.org/india/ride
African Development Foundation (ADF) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 5150 Harare ADF focuses on expansion of direct economic assistance to indigenous African groups in such areas as food production, education, husbandry, water management and health
Women and AIDS Support Network Zimbabwe (WASN) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 1554 Harare Women and AIDS Support Network (WASN) is a local NGO/AIDS Service Organisation (ASO) that deals specifically with women’s issues in the advent of HIV/AIDS, advocating for policies in favour of women in various issues related to their reproductive health rights http://www.wasn.org.zw
Girls' Power Initiative (GPI) Nigeria Expand view PO Box 3663 UNICAL Post Office Calabar GPI trains adolescent girls between the ages of 10 and 18 on issues of sexuality, humanrights, sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as equipping them with leadership, economic and other life management skills to cope with growing up, enabling them to live an empowered womanhood. The training is aimed at laying the basis to ensure their enjoyment of healthy sexuality and womanhood while taking positive actions towards the realisation of social and gender justice for future generations. Its resource centre is open to the public http://www.electronic community.org/ngos/Girls Power
ISIS - Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange (ISIS-WICCE) Uganda Expand view PO Box 4934 Kampala Runs an action oriented women's resource centre which was started in 1974. The organisation is committed to fairness, equality and justice in all human relationaships. Promotes the empowerment of women and the flow of information and ideas which lead to gender sensitivity and equal opportunity at all levels. The organisation's objectives are to influence policy makers and civil sociey towards gender sensitivity and equal opportunity at all levels; to cultivate mutually beneficial networking relationships with organisations at the national, regional and international levels; to adopt innovative means of information sharing; and to repackage and disseminate information for the different target groups. Resource centre open to the public http://www.isis.or.ug
Integrated Holistic Approach Urban Development Project (IHA UDP) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 6889 Addis Ababa The basic objective of the Project is to reduce the effects of poverty and enable the target people for self-dignity, self-respect and self-worth
Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Support (BASICS) Senegal Expand view VDN X Route du font de Tene PO Box 3746 Dakar Key goals for BASIC II are to achieve increased use of effective, improved and sustainable child health interventions and improving infant and child health and nutrition and reducing infant and child mortality. The resource centre is open to the public. The BASICS II website provides on-line access to electronic documents produced by BASICS and its partners http://www.basics.org
Media For Development Trust (MFD) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 6755 Harare One of MFD's main objectives is to assist local NGOs in developing their capacity to use film and video in their work. MFD has a resource centre with a comprehensive library of development videos produced in Africa as well as screening facilities. Member of SANASO, Harare. http://www.mweb.co.zw/mfd
Southern African Network of AIDS Service Organisations (SANASO) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 6690 Harare SANASO is a network which aims to strengthen the effectiveness and co-ordination of the NGO, FBO and CBO response to HIV/AIDS in the southern Africa region by encouraging information exchange between NGOs and liaison with national AIDS Control Programmes. With a current membership of over 1000 organisations in 10 member countries, network activities are co-ordinated through its secretariat office in Harare. http://www.sanaso.org.zw