
African Center for Women (ACW)


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PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa

The overall objective of the centre is to mainstream gender issues into politics, programmes, and structures of member countries and to promote the empowerment of women so that they play a more effective and significant role on political, social and economic life

UNED Forum


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c/o United Nations Asociation
3 Whitehall Court
London SW1A 2EL

A multi-sectoral forum that aims to promote sustainable development and implementation of the Rio and Rio+10 (Johannesburg) conferences. It organises dialogues, round table discussions and publishes reports for and on behalf of its multi-stakeholder members and gorups

Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP) Programme


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4 route des Morillons
CH 1211 Geneva 22

STEP is an operational tool to promote the extension of social protection for men and women workers in the informal economy. This is achieved by bolstering the confidence of the excluded so that they realise that not only do they have the right to seek basic human security and universal and equitable access to social protection services, but that they also have the ability. Making efforts to make women more visible in their social and economic roles. This contributes to the overall preparations for the follow up to the 4th World Conference on Women in Bejing (1995) through the "Bejing plus 5" in 2000. Through a participatory approach, STEP works in the field of microinsurance as a means for the excluded to claim their basic human security, such as equitable access to health care and other social protection services. The STEP strategies include the implementation of development projects, action research, advocacy and policy dialogue. STEP works in partnership with governments, workers' and employers' organisations, international development organisations, research centres, group-based organisations (social economy) and selected NGOs

World Health Organization (WHO)


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Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27

Charged to act as the world's directing and coordinating authority on suggestions of human health, WHO has developed a host of networks and mechanisms for generating data, applying facts to problems and recommending solutions that will lead to sustained improvements in health. The WHO resource centre is open to the public

United Nations University (UNU)


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53-70 Jingumae, 5-chome
Tokyo 150-8925

The UNU is an autonomous, academic institution of the UN system, which aims to contribute, through research and capacity building,, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems that are the concern of the UN, its People and Members States. The UNU strives to fulfill this mission by performing four key roles based on the mandate given by its Charter: an internatinal community of scholars; a bridge between the UN and the international academic community; a think-tank for the UN system; and a builder of capacities, particularly in developing countries

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA)


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Palais des Nations
Geneva 10

OCHA's mission is to mobilise and coordinate the collective efforts of the international community, in particular those of the UN system, to meet in a coherent and timely manner, the needs of those exposed to human suffering and material destruction in disaster and emergencies. This involves reducing vulnerability, promoting solutions to the root causes and facilitating the smooth transition from relief to rehabliltation and development

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


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7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP

1 rue Miollis,
75732 Paris Cedex 15

Created in 1945 in order to build networks between nations to enable solidarity by:

  • Mobilizing for education: so that every child, boy or girl, has access to quality education as a fundamental human right and as a prerequisite for human development. 
  • Building intercultural understanding: through protection of heritage and support for cultural diversity. UNESCO created the idea of World Heritage to protect sites of outstanding universal value. 
  • Pursuing scientific cooperation: such as early warning systems for tsunamis or trans-boundary water management agreements, to strengthen ties between nations and societies. 
  • Protecting freedom of expression: an essential condition for democracy, development and human dignity.

Today, UNESCO believe that it has to create holistic policies that are capable of addressing the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainable development.

United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)


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Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10

The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous UN agency engaging in multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Through its research, UNRISD stimulates dialogue and contributes to policy debates on key issues of social development within and outside the United Nations system. Poverty eradication, the promotion of democracy and human rights, gender equity, environmental sustainability and the effects of globalization are overarching concerns in UNRISD's work

UN Enable (formerly: UN Global Programme on Disability)


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United Nations Enable
Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations, S-2906
New York, NY 10017

UN Enable works to advance the rights of persons with disabilities in society and development, through key global instruments such as the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (1982), the Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1994) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), as well as other relevant human rights and development instruments.



Education for All|United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (EFA - UNESCO)


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7 Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation programme 'Education for All' is a global campaign, born in 1990 at the World Conference on Education for all in Jomtien in Thailand. It has six goals, three of which are based around inclusive basic and primary education. These are (i) improve comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children (ii) ensuring all children have access to quality primary education by 2015, including girls and ethnic minorities, (iii) eliminating gender disparities in primary education by 2015. An evaluation undertaken in 1998 showed that these goals were only partially being met, with the worst performers in the South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa regions. A new conference took place in Dakar, Senegal to reinvigorate committment to the Education For All programme. In the 1990s education was recognised as a right, and the important role it plays in social and economic development gave new momentum to NGOs and and civil society working in this area. Against this background, there is renewed optimism in achieving the aims of this campaign
