Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation (BPF) Bangladesh Expand view 12 New Circular Road West Malibagh Dhaka 1217 The major abjectives of the foundation are: (1) to provide total service to disabled children and adults throughout the country to make them independent and self-reliant ensuring equal opportunities and rights in all spheres of life; (2) Train personnel (at different levels) to provide services and care to the persons with disability in Bangladesh; (3) to establish a centre of excellence with qualified persons carrying out research to develop training programmes, curricula and services
Taylor & Francis Books Ltd UK Expand view 2 Park Square Milton Park Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4RN Taylor & Francis Group publishes books for all levels of academic study and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciplines including Humanities, Social Science, Medicine, Behavioural Science, Law, and the Built Environment.Their imprints include Routledge, CRC Press, Garland Science, Psychology Press, and Focal Press.
Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Canada Expand view University of Victoria, School of Child and Youth Care PO Box 1700 l-Hut Room 75 Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 ECDVU's mission is to further develop African Early Childhood Development (ECD) leadership capacity as a key strategy in support of child, family and community well-being and broader social and economic development. The ECDVU is an innovative and multi-faceted approach to addressing ECD leadership needs in Africa. It is a training and capacity building program for ECD, using face-to-face and distance learning methods. These include two to three-week seminars, web-based learning, video-conferencing, and a "community of learners" strategy within cohort countries. Unlike most academic programs, candidates for the ECDVU are not solely self-selected. Instead, the names of ECDVU candidates emerge from an in-country process that brings together an inter-sectoral ECD "committee" to identify significant early childhood goals for the country in the years ahead. In light of these goals, the committee members then select from among interested applicants three or four of the most suitable ECD leaders to be forwarded as their "national candidates" for participation in the ECDVU
Social Science Research Unit|Institute of Education UK Expand view 18 Woburn Square Room 303 London WC1H 0NR Professor Alderson's current interests include children’s rights, agency and wisdom; citizenship and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989; children with chronic illness or disability; special education and inclusion; methods and ethics of research with children; and neonatal neurology.
Education, Training and Development Practices (ETDP) SETA South Africa Expand view PO Box 5734 Rivonia 2128 The primary function of the ETDP SETA is to facilitate skills development in the education, training and development (ETD) sector. They run a varity of courses, for example courses and units which can be taken in supporting children and adults living with HVI/AIDS in ECD settings. The elective unit is suitable for educators, caregivers and community workers working with adults and children in group, informal or family settings [see fro more information]
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Switzerland Expand view Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous UN agency engaging in multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Through its research, UNRISD stimulates dialogue and contributes to policy debates on key issues of social development within and outside the United Nations system. Poverty eradication, the promotion of democracy and human rights, gender equity, environmental sustainability and the effects of globalization are overarching concerns in UNRISD's work
Kumarian Press USA Expand view 1294 Blue Hills Avenue Bloomfield, CT 06002 Kumarian Press caters for information needs around development, globalisation, conflict and peace, gender, civil society, NGOs, microfinance and health. Catalogue and ordering form available online.
LSTM Malaria Knowledge (MKP) UK Expand view Pembroke Place Liverpool L3 5QA The DFID Malaria Knowledge Programme, based at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, began in 1999 and will continue until 2004. The Malaria Knowledge Programme has been working to transform people's vulnerability to malaria into resilience. The primary focus of research has been on vulnerability, gender, community based initiatives, diagnostics and laboratory services, vector control and urban malaria. Some projects have already provided results. The recent strengthening of the programme's partnerships, particularly with other knowledge and DFID programmes, has led to important new developments - The Vulnerability & Health Alliance being one example. See also
Centre for Childhood, Development and Learning|Open University UK Expand view Faculty of Education and Language Studies Centre for Childhood, Development and Learning Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA The Centre for Childhood, Development and Learning is based in the Faculty of Education and Language Studies at the Open University. It is an interdisciplinary faculty based on six different centres focusing on education, language and comunication and children. Michael Woodhead is professor of childhood studies, with research interests in interdisciplinary childhood studies, applied research and policy analysis, international studies in early childhood education and care, children's rights and child labour. Amongst other things, he has written a publication for the Bernard Van Leer Foundation entitled 'In search of the rainbow - pathways to quality in large-scale programmes for young disadvantaged children'. This book examines issues of quality development in early childhood programmes, focusing on cultural variables relating to communities and individuals
Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships (ECDIP) Canada Expand view School of Child and Youth Care University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships is an ongoing programme of community-university research contributing to knowledge about conditions affecting the health and development of indigenous children in Canada and around the world. Collaborative projects strengthen capacity for developing and demonstrating research, ethics, methods, tools and programmes that resonate with indigenous communities and cultures. The main focus of the organisation is on aborginal peoples in Canada, and there are currently a number of specific projects within this target group, including the following examples: (i) incorporation of indigenous knowledge in aborginal early childhood programmes, (ii) indigenous child project, (iii) indigenous fatherhood and (iv) integrated services for commuity health
International Institute for Child Rights and Development (IICRD) Canada Expand view Centre for Global Studies University of Victoria PO Box 1700 Victoria BC V8V 2Y2 The mission of the International Institute of Child Rights and Development is to enhance the capacity of individuals, organisations and governments to effectively use the UN convention on the Rights of the Child. Their projects focus on engaging children as positive partners of change, supporting indigenous children in education, protection of children with HIV/AIDS, and creating a culture of children's rights. Their method of working is through capacity building activities, establishing networks and partnerships at the local level, carrying out community consultations and undertaking child-centered participatory research. They work with children of all ages from the early years upwards. Their publications are strongly orientated towards cultural diversity and rights of children, and tend to be practical manual guides in implementing a rights based approach
Pearson Education (formerly Addison Wesley Longman) UK Expand view Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE Pearson Education Europe, Middle East and Africa is a leading educational publisher. Through the life-long learning programme, their publications and online resources help school children and students to learn, teachers to teach and professionals to develop throughout their careers. Publishes Across a wide spectrum of subjects, including business, technology, sciences, law and humanities. Pearson Education operations in Germany, Spain, France, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and Poland have developed dynamic local language programmes and are market leaders in their own right.
Midirs UK Expand view 9 Elmdale Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1SL MIDIRS supports midwives efforts to keep up to date with knowledge and current practicea through its publications, workshops and a range of information services. Topics include, adolescents, breastfeeding, cancer, neonatal care, postnatal care and pregnancy. Publications can be purchased online at
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Singapore Expand view 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Pasir Panjang 119614 The Publications Unit of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies has published almost 2,000 scholarly books and journals since 1972. It focuses on economics, politics, and social issues in Southeast Asia. E-books and e-journals can be purchased online, print publications through distributors (details available on the website).
Immpact (Initiative for maternal mortality programme assessment)) UK Expand view University of Aberdeen Health Sciences Building Foresterhill Aberdeen Scotland AB25 2ZD http://www.immpact-internationalorg